School of Business Undergraduate Work Placements

Hear from fellow students (video below), that have completed placement or studied abroad along with Placement and International Office information.

At undergraduate level, work placements are available for the below listed programs with leading employers.  

Placement is available for the following programmes: Accounting & Finance, Business & Accounting, Business & Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, International Finance & Accounting, International Business, Law & Accounting, Law & Business, Marketing and Quantitative Finance. 

Benefits of Undertaking a Work Placement

Undertaking a work placement affords students the opportunity to put theory into practice, as well as to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge. Work placements also enhance students' employability upon graduation, by helping them to expand their professional network and to become more independent, responsible, and self-aware. 


Further information

Business students Co-Ordinator: Shane McLoughlin [email protected]
Accounting and Finance students Co-Ordinator: Nad-Ja Delagic [email protected]