
Dr. Andreeva Presented a Paper at the Academy of International Business Conference

Dr. Andreeva presented a paper at the Academy of International Business Conference

Thursday, 12 September 2019

AMLE Editorial Board

School of Business join the Editorial Board of AMLE (Academy of Management Learning & Education)

School of Business join the Editorial Board of AMLE (Academy of Management Learning & Education)

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Appointment of Dr Lynsey Black as Lecturer in Criminology, Maynooth University Law Department

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Lynsey Black as Lecturer in Criminology at Maynooth University Law Department.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Fellowship: 2020-21 Mahindra Humanities Center Postdoctoral Fellow

The Mahindra Humanities Center invites applications for one-year postdoctoral fellowships in connection with the Center’s Andrew W. Mellon Foundation seminar on the topic of migration and the humanities.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Dr Edana Richardson presents a paper at the British Islamic Economic Society (BIES) Conference 2019

Dr Edana Richardson presented a paper at the BIES Conference 2019 held at the University of Durham.

Monday, 09 September 2019

Psychology - Digital Health transformation - Maynooth University

ALL Institute to Contribute a Module to New Inter-University Masters in Digital Health Transformation in 2020

MSc in Digital Health Transformation: Managing the transformation of healthcare ecosystems with emerging digital technologies

Monday, 09 September 2019

IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Call

The Irish Research Council’s 2020 Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Call is due to open tomorrow (5th September 2019) with a closing date for applicants of 4pm on 31st October 2019.

Wednesday, 04 September 2019

Dr Aisling McMahon delivers paper at plenary panel of international ATRIP conference in Vanderbilt University

Dr Aisling McMahon delivers paper at plenary panel of international ATRIP conference in Vanderbilt University

Tuesday, 03 September 2019

Maynooth University School of Business Faculty Convene Irish Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium

Maynooth University School of Business Faculty Convene Irish Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium in Dublin (28th August 2019).

Monday, 02 September 2019

MUSSI together with SAR Europe Launch InSPIREurope

On September 1, 2019, together with 9 European partners, SAR Europe at Maynooth will launch InSPIREurope, an ambitious Europe-wide initiative to support researchers at risk.

Sunday, 01 September 2019
