About the structured PhD programme. Our Structured PhD programme offers students an opportunity to delve deeply into their chosen topic and learn advanced research skills to produce an original contribution to the field of education. Because the programme is structured, there is ample opportunity for students to meet other students and faculty and become part of an exciting and vibrant community of educational scholars. Students can choose from a range of modules to make up their credit requirements and work independently with a supervisor and co-supervisor on their dissertation project.

Who should apply? One of the most important characteristics of an applicant is someone who is passionate about their prospective research topic! They should be graduates in Education or closely related discipline. Appli-cants should also be capable of conducting independent critical research and highly motivated to commit time to their studies, which includes building in lots of time for reading and thinking!

What career pathways are open to graduates of the programme?
Careers within the education sector, broadly defined, require highly skilled individuals capable of conducting and designing independent research. A PhD will also prepare students well for an academic career at third level.

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