Prof Bernie Grummell

Bernie Grummell is Associate Professor in the Departments of Education and Adult & Community Education, Maynooth University. With Fergal Finnegan, she is currently the co-director of the Doctorate in Higher and Adult Education Programme and the Structured PhD in Adult & Community Education, as well as co-director of the Centre for Research in Adult Learning and Education in the Department of Adult and Community Education. She is a member of the social science research subcommittee and the Athena Swan Committee in Maynooth University, as well as actively engaging with policy, community and civil society groups.
Her research explores the landscape, processes and experiences of social justice, inclusion and transformation across different sectors of education and society. She is currently engaged in research on inclusive education as part of the TUTOR teachers academies Erasmus + project, Youthreach staff wellbeing and transformative community education in Malawi and Zambia. She has completed research on adult literacy for the Adult Literacy Organisers Association (ALOA), and developed a series of policy briefing papers on inclusion in the adult literacy services for SOLAS, ETBI, NALA (2020-2021).
With Morag Munro and Margaret Keane in Maynooth University, and partners in UCC and DCU, she was a partner in the Disciplines Inquiring into Societal Challenges (DISCs) project. The project was led by UCC and funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. She has been the Irish partner on the Erasmus+ projects SMILE - Social Meaning Impact through LLL universities in Europe (2021-2022), He4U2 – Cultural Inclusion in Higher Education (2016-2018), Unlocking Freedom through adult and community education (2015-2018).
Edited Book
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Bernie Grummell and Fergal Finnegan (Ed.). (2020) Doing Critical and Creative Research in Adult Education: Case Studies in Methodology and Theory. Netherlands: Brill / Sense, [Link] | |
2019 | Finnegan, Fergal and Bernie Grummell (Ed.). (2019) Power and Possibility: Adult Education in a Diverse and Complex World. Research on the Education and Learning of Adults. Netherlands: Brill, [Link] | |
2021 | Antonella Acinapura, Niamh Gaynor, Bernie Grummell, Su-ming Khoo, Mags Liddy, Bernie Mallon, Gabriela Martínez Sainz, Gerard McCann and Stephen McCloskey (Ed.). (2021) Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review. Belfast: Centre for Global Education, |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Grummell. B. (2024) 'Influence of Freire and Training for Transformation on Local-Global Linking in Global Education in Community Development and Higher Education in Ireland' In: Global Education in Ireland: Critical Histories and Future Directions. London : Bloomsbury. | |
2018 | FINN, Josephine; FITZSIMONS, Camilla; GRUMMELL, Bernie and NOONE, Maggie (2018) 'Difference and Inclusion in Higher Education: Integrating cultural diversity in lifelong learning' In: Die Lifelong Learning Universität der Zukunft. Institutionelle Standpunkte aus der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung. Munster/ New York : Waxmann. [Link] | |
2018 | Lynch, K.; Grummell, B (2018) 'New managerialism as an organisational form of neoliberalism' In: The Transformation of Work in Welfare State Organizations. London : Routledge. | |
2016 | Grummell, Bernie and Kathleen Lynch (2016) 'Rethinking the Irish Welfare State: challenges and change?' In: New Managerialism as a Political Project in Irish Education. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2016 | Grummell, Bernie and Rose Ryan (2016) 'Gender and non-traditional students in Irish Higher Education' In: Access and Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
1996 | Bernie Grummell and Mary Kelly (1996) 'The Use of the Right to Learn Videopack in an Adult Education Setting' In: RTE(Eds.). Educational Television: emancipatory television and the Right to Learn project. Dublin : RTE. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Grummel, B. (2023) 'Maintaining deep roots: The transformative possibilities of adult literacy education'. European Journal For Research On The Education And Learning Of Adults, 14 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2023 | Grummell, B. (2023) 'Recognising diverse learning rhythms, relationships and temporalities in adult literacy learning'. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 42 (6). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Derek Barter, Bernie Grummell (2020) 'Learning to live with it: reflections on surviving critical times from Irish adult education'. eucen Studies: eJournal of University Lifelong Learning, Vol 4 (01):31-35. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Bernie Grummell, Moses Daura, Gabriel Chipeta Chipeta, Martin Downes, Victor Kasulo, Idani Lichilo, Bennet FA Mataya, Daniel L Mpolomoka, Conor Murphy, Joseph T Mwale, Maggie Noone, David Sibalwa, Anne Ryan, Mavuto Tembo, Olusegun Yerokun (2020) 'The Transformative Engagement Network (TEN) Team'. Concept: the journal of contemporary community education practice theory, 11 (1):1-11. [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2017 | Grummell, Bernie (2017) 'Love, Care and Solidarity in the Changing Context of Irish Education'. All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J), 9 (1). [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Downes, M., Grummell, B., Murphy, C. and Ryan, A (2015) 'A Case Study in Learning to Unlearn'. The Adult Learner, :104-111. [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Grummell B.; Murray M. (2015) 'A contested profession: employability, performativity and professionalism in Irish further education'. Journal Of Educational Administration And History, 47 (4):432-450. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2015 | Murphy, Conor, Tembo, Mavuto, Phiri, Adrian, Yerokun, Olusegun and Bernie Grummell (2015) 'Adapting to climate change in shifting landscapes of belief'. CLIMATIC CHANGE, . [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Devine, Dympna, Grummell, Bernie and Kathleen Lynch (2011) 'Crafting the elastic self? Gender and identities in Senior Management in Education'. GENDER, WORK AND ORGANISATION, 18 :631-649. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2011 | Grummell, Bernie (2011) 'Filtering informal learning in everyday life: invoking ordinariness and moving to civic engagement'. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 29 (5):565-579. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Ryan, Anne B.; Connolly, Brid; Grummell, Bernie and Fergal Finnegan (2009) 'Beyond Redemption? Locating the Experience of Adult Learners and Educators'. The Adult Learner, . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Grummell, B. (2009) 'The Educational Character of Public Service Broadcasting: from cultural enrichment to knowledge society discourses'. European Journal of Communication, 24 :267-285. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Grummell, B. Lynch, K. and D. Devine (2009) 'The Care-Less Manager: Gender, Care and New Managerialism in Higher Education'. Gender and Education, 21 :191-208. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Dr Brid Connolly, with Anne B Ryan, Bernie Grummell and Fergal Finnegan (2009) 'Beyond Redemption? Locating the Experience of Adult Learners and Educators '. The Adult Learner, 1 :131-137. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Grummell, B., Lynch, K. and Devine D. (2009) 'Appointing Senior Managers in Education: homosociability, local logics and authenticity in the selection process'. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 37 :329-349. [DOI] [Full-Text] | |
2007 | Grummell, B. (2007) 'The ‘Second Chance’ Myth: Equality of Opportunity in Irish Adult Education Policies'. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 :182-201. [Full-Text] | |
2004 | Grummell, B. (2004) 'The Role of Education in Irish Public Service Broadcasting'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 13 :3-22. [Full-Text] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2018 | HE4u2 consortium (in alphabetical order): José Pedro AMORIM, Amandine BERNAL, Sofia CASTANHEIRA PAIS, Françoise DE VIRON, Josephine FINN, Camilla FITZSIMONS, Bernie GRUMMELL, Timo HALTTUNEN, Beate HÖRR, Amelia LOPES, Kia LUNDQVIST, Isabel MENEZES, Tiago NEVES, Agnes RASCHAUER, Katharina RESCH, Carme ROYO, Alfredo SOEIRO, Iris THIMM, Francesca URAS, Leena VANHAKYLA, Georgios ZARIFIS (2018) 'Tools to promote Cultural Diversity in Higher Education – The HE4u2 project' eucen Studies: eJournal of University Lifelong Learning, 2 (1) . [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2010 | Grummell, Bernie (2010) 'Naturaleza educativa de la television publica/ Estimulo cultural en la sociedad del conocimiento' Infoamerica: Iberoamerican Communication Review, 3-4 :95-110. |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2024 | Matson, S.; Grummell, B. (2024) Educational Association of Ireland Conference Voices from the Field – European research partnership with teachers’ exploring policy and practice in inclusive education Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, . | |
2024 | Kenny, M; Grummell, B; Burke, J (2024) Educational Association of Ireland Conference Youthreach Employee Wellbeing Report 2022: Moving Useful Research to Useful Action Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, . | |
2024 | Meade, L; Kenny, M; Rickard, A; Nic an Bhaird, M; Ni Chleirigh, L; Murray, J; Pearson, E.; Harrison, J (2024) Educational Association of Ireland Conference Climate Justice in an unconcerned world: What can educators do? Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, . | |
2024 | Crean, M.; Galvin, M.; Grummell. B.; Lynch, K.; Mitchell, E.; Simmie-Mooney, G.; Murphy, D,; Skerrit, C (2024) Educational Association of Ireland Conference Daring to Transgress: why the ESAI C&F SIG Matters Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, . | |
2023 | Grummell, Bernie and Sinead Matson (2023) Maynooth University Research Week 2023 Supporting inclusive education in and through EU policy and research: the TUTOR project Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, . | |
2023 | Nugent, Margaret and Bernie Grummell (2023) 11th Annual International Action Research Colloquium TUTOR: EU Teacher Academy for Inclusive Education Dublin, . | |
2023 | Kenny, Michael, Grummell, Bernie and Jolanta Burke (2023) Educational Association of Ireland Conference Youthreach: a Democratic Education Model Stranmillis, Belfast, . | |
2023 | Nugent, Margaret and Bernie Grummell (2023) Educational Association of Ireland Conference TUTOR: Teachers upskilling aiming at inclusivity in learning Stranmillis, Belfast, . | |
2023 | Kenny, Michael, Grummell, Bernie and Jolanta Burke (2023) 11th annual International Action Research Colloquium Youthreach for Sustainable Futures Dublin, . | |
2022 | Grummell, B. (2022) ESREA Triennial International Conference Maintaining the ground: a learner-centred approach in adult literacy in changing times Milan, Italy, 02/09/2022-31/10/2022. | |
2022 | Aston, D., Slattery, O., Lynn, E & Grummell, B. (2022) ESOTA International Congress Together is Better: Embedding inclusive education initiatives and access routes into the higher education landscape in the Republic of Ireland Salzburg, Austria, 27/10/2022-28/10/2022. | |
2022 | Grummell, B. (2022) ALOA National Conference 'FET: Inclusion of Adult Literacy Supports' Inclusion of Adult Literacy Supports in FET Athlone, Westmeath, 28/11/2022-28/11/2022. | |
2021 | Grummell, B. and K. O'Sullivan (2021) Foundations for Futures Europe Mind the Gap: Education and Digital Exclusion Maynooth University, . | |
2021 | Murray, M. and B. Grummell (2021) Adult Education in Global Times The elephant in the room – adult education, schooling and the pedagogy of fear University of British Columbia, Vancouver, . | |
2020 | Grummell, Bernie, Bracken, Meliosa and Michael Gannon (2020) National Forum for Adult Literacy Tutor Inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in Adult Literacy Services Dublin City University, . | |
2019 | Bernie Grummell (2019) ESREA 9th Triennial European Research Conference Adult Education research and practice between the welfare state and neoliberalism University of Belgrade, Serbia, . | |
2018 | Moses, Daura, Bernie Grummell, Joseph T. Mwale and Mavuto Tembo (2018) 8th International Biennial Popular Education Network Conference Adult Education in a Global Era: knowledge production and the struggle for meaningful change Capetown, South Africa, . | |
2018 | Burke, Laura; Fitzsimons, Camilla; Finn, Josephine; Grummell, Bernie and Michael Gannon (2018) Unlocking Freedom Through Adult Education - Final Conference Unlocking Freedom Through Adult Education Conference exploring the findings of an Erasmus + project about the role of adult educatiion in The role of adult education in supporting the de-institutionalisation of people with disabilities in the community Dublin, . | |
2016 | Grummell, Bernie, Fitzsimons, Camilla and Josephine Finn (2016) HE4u2 - Cultural Integration in Higher Education - an Irish perspective 48th EUCEN Conference Crossing borders through lifelong learning: enhancing quality and equity in higher education Dublin, . | |
2016 | Bernie Grummell, Conor Murphy, Anne Ryan, Martin Downes and Maggie Noone (2016) Working Across Borders: Interdisciplinary and Inter-institutional work between universities, communities and policy groups 7th International Biennial Popular Education Network Conference Edinburgh, . | |
2016 | Bernie Grummell (2016) The changing political, economic and cultural context of higher education: care implications International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy (ICEP) Annual conference Maynooth University, . | |
2016 | Grummell, Bernie and Michael J. Murray (2016) Professionalising Further Education in a politics of austerity Adult Education in Austere Times, Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) Leicester, . | |
2015 | Grummell, Bernie and Michael J. Murray (2015) Further education in a time of change: policy, practice, profession Teachers Union of Ireland annual conference Portlaoise, . | |
2015 | Michael J. Murray and Bernie Grummell (2015) HELLIN Re-imagining Lifelong Learning Conference What’s in a Name? Lifelong Learning Discourses in Further Education Maynooth University, . | |
2015 | Grummell, Bernie and Murray, Michael J (2015) What’s in a Name? Discourses of Further Education EUCEN Lifelong Learning Conference Galway, . | |
2013 | Murray, Michael J. and Bernie Grummell (2013) The Professionalism of Further Education? Educational Studies of Ireland Association Maynooth, . | |
2013 | Grummell, Bernie and Michael J. Murray (2013) Discourses, knowledge claims and leadership in the Irish Further Education Sector Critical Management Studies Conference Manchester, . | |
2013 | Bernie Grummell & Michael Kenny (2013) The Contribution of education to global health research initiatives Research Challenges & Opportunities in Global Health DCU, . | |
2013 | Bernie Grummell and Michael J. Murray (2013) A Contested Profession: Leadership Implications of the Formalization of Further Education in Ireland British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society conference (BELMAS) UK, . | |
2011 | Connolly, Brid; Grummell, Bernie and Michael Murray (2011) Activists, Education and the Academy Popular Education Network Conference Seville, Spain, . | |
2011 | Murphy, C., Grummel , B., Murphy, N., Rickard, A., McAvina, C. ,Reid, K.A. and Kenny, M. (2011) Making Climate Change Real: Enhanced Learning Objects for Climate Change NUI Maynooth Teaching and Learning Showcase NUI Maynooth, . | |
2011 | Grummell, Bernie and Siobhan Clancy (2011) Using Digital Arts-based Research Methods to Develop Postgraduate Research Troubling Research Methods in Education: Moving Towards New Possibilities Conference University of Limerick, . | |
2010 | McAvinia, Claire; Grummell, Bernie; Reid, Kellyann; Murphy, Conor; Rickard, Angela and Michael Kenny (2010) Educating for Climate Change: developing students' understanding of the local impacts of climate change Educational Studies Association of Ireland conference Dundalk, . | |
2010 | Grummell, Bernie; Devine, Dympna and Kathleen Lynch (2010) Appointing Senior Managers in Education: Homosociability, local logics and authenticity in the selection process British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society conference (BELMAS) England, . [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Bernie Grummell, Anne Ryan, Conor Murphy and Martin Downes (2009) Matching pedagogy and management processes in development Global Sustainable Development Conference University of Limerick, . | |
2009 | Ryan, Anne B.; Connolly, Brid; Grummell, Bernie and Fergal Finnegan (2009) Beyond Redemption? Locating the Experience of Adult Learners and Educators The Adult Learner AONTAS, . [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Grummell, Bernie, Anne Ryan, Martin Downes, and Conor Murphy (2009) Matching pedagogy and management processes in development education projects Global Sustainable Development Conference Limerick, . | |
2008 | Grummell, Bernie; Lynch, Kathleen and Dympna Devine (2008) Working in a Care-less Profession: the gendered nature of senior appointments in education Work Matters: International Labour Process Conference Keele, . | |
2008 | Kathleen Lynch, Bernie Grummell and Dympna Devine (2008) Working in a Care-less Profession: the gendered nature of the game Work Matters: International Labour Process Conference University College Dublin, . | |
2008 | Grummell, Bernie (2008) Public Service Broadcasting in a Knowledge Society: commercially viable and/or publicly valued? Irish Research Media Network Conference Maynooth University, . | |
2008 | Bernie Grummell (2008) Public Service Broadcasting in a Knowledge Society Irish Research Media Network Conference National University of Ireland Maynooth, . | |
2007 | Grummell, Bernie; Lynch, Kathleen and Dympna Devine (2007) Gender, Care and Senior Appointments in Higher Education: working in a care-less profession Gender, Work and Organisation Conference UK, . | |
2007 | Grummell, Bernie; Lynch, Kathleen and Dympna Devine (2007) Mediating Education in a New Ireland: competing discourses of knowledge economy and public service crisis Irish Research Media Network Conference Dublin, . | |
2007 | Grummell, Bernie; Lynch, Kathleen and Dympna Devine (2007) Care and Senior Appointments in Education: the gendered rules of the game Gender and Education Association Conference Dublin, . | |
2007 | Grummell, B. and M. Doran (2007) Participating in the Media: the relationship between media literacy and empowerment Media Literacy Education Symposium Dublin, . | |
2006 | Grummell, Bernie (2006) The ‘Second Chance’ Myth: Equality of Opportunity in Irish Adult Education Policies Equality And Social Inclusion in the 21st Century: developing alternatives Conference Belfast, . | |
2006 | Bernie Grummell (2006) The ‘Second Chance’ Myth: Equality of Opportunity Equality And Social Inclusion in the 21st Century Queens University Belfast, . | |
2004 | Grummell, Bernie (2004) The Role of Education in Irish Public Service Broadcasting Visions II: Broadcasting Histories Conference Leicester, . | |
2003 | Grummell, Bernie (2003) The Role of Television in Personal Life: interpretative repertoires in audience interviews Sociological Association of Ireland Conference Westport, . | |
1998 | Grummell, Bernie (1998) Education and television: a critical history of educational strategies in RTÉ Sociological Association of Ireland Conference Wexford, . |
Published Report
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Margaret Nugent; Bernie Grummell (2023) Literature Review Inclusive Education in Ireland. AKMI, . [Link] | |
2022 | Grummell, B. (2022) Inclusion of Adult Literacy Support in Further Education and Training in Ireland: A Research Report. ALOA, . [Link] | |
2022 | Grummell, B. (2022) Briefing Papers on Adult Literacy in Ireland. National Adult Literacy Association, . | |
2021 | Grummell, B., Bracken, M. and C. Magrath (2021) Implementation of Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Intellectual Disabilities in Adult Literacy Services - Casestudies Report. SOLAS, . [Link] | |
2017 | Fitzsimons, C., Grummell, B. and Noone, M. (2017) HE4u2 survey findings – Integrating cultural diversity in higher education. EUCEN, . [Full-Text] | |
2001 | Grummell, B. (2001) Read Write Now Project Evaluation Report. Radio Telefis Eireann and National Adult Literacy Agency, . | |
2002 | McSkeane, L. and Grummell, B. (2002) The Read Write Now Audience. NALA, . | |
1998 | Grummell, B. (1998) ICT Usage and Needs of Teachers and Students in European Schools, RTÉ/EUN. EUN, . |
Electronic Publication
Year | Publication | |
2017 | Camilla Fitzsimons, Josephine Finn, Bernie Grummell (2017) Creating intercultural learning environments Guidelines for staff within Higher Education Institutions. eucen, Barcelona: [Electronic Publication] [Link] |
Policy Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Barter, G, Burns, G., Finnegan, F., Fitzsimons, C., Grummell, B., Kenny, M., Nugent, M., O’Neill, J. (2021) Equity of Access to Higher Education Submission to the National Access Plan 2022-2026 on behalf of Dept of Adult & Community Education. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | Barter, D., Burns, G., Grummell, B., Kenny, M., O’Neill, J. (2021) Submission to Consultation for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Statement of Strategy 2021 - 2023 on behalf of Dept of Adult & Community Education. [Policy Contribution] | |
2021 | Nugent, Margaret, Derek Barter, Bernie Grummell, Jerry O’Neill, Gareth Byrne, Camilla Fitzsimons, Michael Kenny (2021) Equity of Access to Higher Education. Submission to the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) and the Higher Education Authority (HEA) National Access Plan. Dublin, Ireland: [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2021 | Barter, Derek, Bernie Grummell, Michael Kenny (2021) Submission to Consultation for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science: Statement of Strategy 2021 – 2023. Dublin, Ireland: [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2021 | Barter, Derek, Gareth Burns, Bernie Grummell, Michael Kenny, Jerry O’Neill (2021) Submission to the independent review of the Student Grant Scheme (SUSI) by The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. Maynooth University, Ireland: [Policy Contribution] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Barter, Derek, Bernie Grummell and Michael Kenny, (2020) Submission to Consultation for the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science: Statement of Strategy 2021 – 2023. Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science: [Policy Contribution] [Link] | |
2020 | Barter, Derek, Bernie Grummell, Michael Kenny (2020) Submission to consultation about Solas 10-year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND) Strategy for Ireland. Maynooth University, Ireland: [Policy Contribution] [Link] [Full-Text] | |
2020 | Barter, D,, Grummell, B. and M. Kenny (2020) Submission to consultation about 10-year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy (ALND) Strategy for Ireland on behalf of Dept of Adult and Community Education. [Policy Contribution] [Full-Text] | |
2018 | Bernal Gonzalez, A; de Viron, F; Souto Lopez, M; on behalf of the HE4u2 consortium (2018) report analysing current European, national and institutional policies that make provision for the integration of cultural diversity in Higher Education. Barcelona: [Policy Contribution] |
Online Multimedia
Year | Publication | |
2018 | Laura BURKE, Josephine FINN, Camilla FITZSIMONS, Michael GANNON, Bernie GRUMMELL, Mark SMITH, Jerry O’NEILL (2018) Facilitating Inclusive Learning Overview of a Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPD) for staff working with adults with diverse learning abilities in adult, further and community education. Dublin: [Other] [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Nugent, M. and B. Grummell (2023) D2.1. TUTOR Project Report - inclusiveness in the school community. [Report] [Link] | |
2021 | Grummell, B., Bracken, M. and C. Magrath (2021) Background Research Report - Implementation of Guidelines on the Inclusion of Learners with Intellectual Disabilities in Adult Literacy Services. Dublin: [Report] [Link] | |
2018 | EUCEN (2018) Cultural Inclusion in Higher Education (HE4U2). EU: [Report] | |
2018 | Burke, L., Finn, J., Fitzsimons, C., Gannon, M., Grummell, B., O’Neill, J., Smith, M. (2018) Facilitating Inclusive Learning: A Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPD) for staff working with adults with diverse learning abilities in adult, further and community education. Maynooth University: [Report] | |
2018 | Disability Federation of Ireland and Partners (2018) Unlocking Freedom Through Adult Education - Final Research Report. EU: [Report] |
Curriculum design / Support materials
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Kitching, K., Park, G., Bryan, A., Grummell, B., Keane, M., Munro, M.,Akinlade, T., Falana, C., Groening-McKenna, M. (2022) Guidance on Teaching for Social Justice in Irish Higher Education. [Curriculum design / Support materials] [Link] | |
2017 | Fitzsimons, C, Grummell, B. and Finn, J. (2017) Creating Intercultural Environments: Guidelines for Staff within Higher Education Institutions. Fitzsimons, C, Grummell, B. and Finn, J. Creating Intercultural Environments: Guidelines for Staff within Higher Education Institutions. [Curriculum design / Support materials] [Link] |
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Grummell, B., Fitzsimons, C and A. McGinn (2022) SMILE: Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning. [Blog] [Link] |