Project overview
‘Assess for Success’ is one of the Maynooth University National Forum funded Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement (SATLE 2020) initiatives.
This initiative has established an Assessment and Feedback hub. The hub is a central, online, ‘go-to’ space for staff, where they can find resources to support and enhance assessment and feedback practice. It has been designed so that it can be continuously developed and grow over time.
The initiative involved surveying Maynooth University staff to identify experiences and challenges of assessment and feedback, including in the current Covid context, and to clarify key priority areas for support and development. 
Project key features and timeframes 

February 2022 the project commenced.
An advisory group, comprising Maynooth University staff and students, guided the project (February – June 2022).
Staff were consulted on their assessment and feedback needs in order to identify the hub topics and priorities (February-March 2022).
Hub development was initiated and experts were identified (April 2022).
Development of expert-led guides (May-September 2022).
Expert led workshops (April-November 2022)
Development of approximately 30 Assessment and Feedback OERs (April – December 2022)
Launch of Hub (November 2022)
Dissemination and project evaluation (December 2022)

More information

The Assess for Success initiative was guided by an advisory group comprising Maynooth University Staff and Students:  Advisory Group Membership  

If you would like to learn more about this initiative, please contact Alison Farrell in the Centre for Teaching & Learning, on [email protected]