Maynooth University Department of Anthropology
What do we do about Conspiracy Theories?
The Department of Anthropology will host a 1 day conference examining the role of the social sciences and humanities in debunking conspiracy theories
When: Friday, 28 June 2019
2019 Alumni Summer Soirée
Join us on Thursday 20th June at 7pm for a special evening of music, reflection and performance at Maynooth University with The Webb Sisters, former backing vocalists to Leonard Cohen. Begin your summer with an evening at MU. Tickets cost €20 and a complimentary glass of wine on registration will get this entertaining and enlightening evening off to a great start.
When: Thursday, 20 June 2019
Anthropology Seminar Series - Brackette F. Williams, University of Arizona
"Black at the Bone: Race as a Semaphore Language for Assessing Moral Order"
When: Thursday, 02 May 2019
MA in Anthropology & Development Postgraduate Workshop [co-sponsored by Dept of Anthropology & MUSSI]
'What migration processes reveal about global restructurings'
When: Friday, 26 April 2019
Anthropology Seminar Series - Yogi Ogunsanya, Independent Scholar
"The Native’s Gaze: Or, Notes on Anthropology in and of the Homeland"
When: Thursday, 25 April 2019
Anthropology Seminar Series - Janine Wedel, George Mason University
“From Warsaw to Washington: How Communist Experience Elucidates Dangers to Western Democracies Today”
When: Thursday, 14 March 2019
Anthropology Seminar Series - Mark Whitaker, University of Kentucky
"They get more miracles than us!” Negotiating identity boundaries at postwar Sri Lankan multi-religious ritual sites.
When: Thursday, 07 March 2019
Anthropology Seminar Series - James Laidlaw, Cambridge University
'The Virtue of Reality'
When: Thursday, 07 February 2019
Anthropology Seminar Series - Maire Ni Mhordha, Maynooth University
"Everyday Politics in the Lives of NGO Workers in Senegal"
When: Thursday, 06 December 2018
Anthropology Seminar Series - Maria Dabringer, University of Vienna
'Consuming Cities. On the social and political meaning of food and consumption in the urban contexts of Quito/Ecuador'
When: Thursday, 29 November 2018