Maynooth University Department of Anthropology
Anthropology Seminar Series, Dr Francisco Arqueros-Fernandez
"Activating the Excluded"
When: Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Anthropology Seminar Series, Prof Adriana Marcusan [Creole Exchange]
'Female Genital Mutiliation: Health, human rights and identity
When: Thursday, 05 October 2017
Film Screening: 'Disenchanted Cinema'
Disenchanted Cinema takes us on a short journey through the production and reception of the famous documentary film Shamans of the Blind Country (1981), that was filmed in Mid-Western Nepal.
When: Thursday, 28 September 2017
Anthropology Seminar Series, Cacique Guarani Kaiowá Ládio Verón
The meeting with Cacique Guarani Kaiowá Ládio Verón will bring attention to the growing violence imposed on indigenous peoples in Brazil.
When: Thursday, 27 April 2017
Anthropology Seminar Series, Dr Gertrude Saxinger, University of Vienna
The Mobile Workers Guide – coping with FIFO and Rotational Shift Work in Mining. Yukon Experiences
When: Thursday, 13 April 2017
Crosscurrents: Shifting Flows in Social Research on Water Issues
Considering the complicated conjoining of water-related social research with other disciplines – the first segment will focus on anthropology’s encounter with water policies and politics, and the second on collaborative research between social and STEM sciences on water issues.
When: Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Postgraduate Open Evening
Get expert advice on postgraduate study options, talk to SUSI about student grants and apply for our Taught Masters Scholarships at the Postgraduate Open Evening
When: Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Documentary by Anthropology doctoral student to be showcased at IFI
Takasera, a documentary film by Matjaz Pinter and Eva Pivac, has been selected by the Irish Film Institute for its prestigious ‘Irish Focus’ series, and will be screened at the IFI.
When: Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Anthropology Seminar Series, Dr Sabine Strasser [Creole Exchange Programme]
'Transnational Moralities: Death and Moral Responsibility across the Mediterranean'
When: Thursday, 15 December 2016
Anthropology Seminar Series, Prof David Westbrook [in conjunction with the Law Dept]
'Reflections on the European and American Projects: Answering Rousseau'
When: Wednesday, 14 December 2016