
Elective streams allow you to make more of your university education, and to take better advantage of the world-class lecturers and interesting subject material that Maynooth has to offer. They may help to broaden your perspective (e.g. by taking an interdisciplinary topic), allow you to interact with students from other disciplines, or help you develop transferable skills for the future in a way that complements your main disciplinary studies (e.g. study of a modern language). An elective stream amounts to one-sixth of the total course work for the year.
Registration for electives will be subject to enrolment limitations, and also must be compatible with the timetabling and other requirements of your main subjects. Some combinations of electives and subjects are excluded.

These are the ones available this year:

  Accounting in Society
  Ancient Mythology – Epic and Tragic Tales
  Beginning Chinese
  Beginning French
  Beginning German
  Beginning Spanish
  Catalan Language and Culture
  Continuing Chinese
  Continuing French
  Continuing German
  Continuing Nua-Ghaeilge
  Continuing Spanish
  Creative Technologies and Digital Prototyping
  Eden Entrepreneurship Design and Innovation
  Education Engagement and Equality
  Film and Screen Studies
  Foundations in Science Writing and Communication
  Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture
  Global Environmental Change
  Good and Evil
  Great Books
  Influential Ideas in Economics
  Introduction To Philosophy in The Digital Age
  Irish Cultural Heritage
  Portuguese Language and Culture
  Prioritising People and Planet
  Service Innovation
  Skills for Success: Professional Development
  The Growth and Development of the Irish Equine Industry
  Wondrous People and Places: An Introduction to Celtic Literature

Registration for Electives is subject to usual timetable viability and requirements in your main subjects; for some students this may mean an Elective may not be compatible with their subjects/programme. There may also be limited places in some Electives so be sure to register for your preferred Elective early.