The purpose of this flowchart is to provide a guide on who to contact when responding to a student who may be in immediate danger or experiencing significant distress.
As a staff member or fellow student we all hold a unique position to play an important role in the early identification and /or intervention with any student who may be in immediate danger to themselves or others; or with any student who may be experiencing significant distress.

  • If you become concerned about a student’s behaviour or fear for the student’s safety or that of another it is important to contact the Emergency Services listed on the left-hand side of the Flowchart. This outlines the Services to contact when an immediate risk such as: suicidal intent, self-injury, threatening behaviour or a physical injury is evident or suspected.
  • If a student is in distress but not in any immediate danger to themselves or another it is then appropriate to contact the relevant Support Services listed on the right-hand columns of the Flowchart.
  • Responding to students in distress  (PDF)
  • Ag plé le mic léinn atá ciaptha  (PDF as Gaeilge)

If in doubt about contacting the Emergency Services please call Campus Security for guidance on (01) 708 3929,  (available 24/7) or Student Health Centre on 01-708 3878 during office hours.
We all play a part in contributing to a responsive, caring and supportive University community.
Further Information:
Student Services Webpage:
Guidelines on Referral to Counselling Service