Welcome to the Student Health Service

The SHC will be closed on September 5th and will reopen on September 6th.

Welcome to the Student Health Service

The Student Health Centre is an acute care/advisory service.  The service is as an addition to the student family doctor or specialist medical service. It operates within resource constraints so certain service limitations apply. Students should continue to attend their own general practitioner.

                                                                           ****** Important Information*******
The SHS runs a limited doctor serviced in the summer months, please contact via email or phone for updates throughout the summer months.

We  open Monday to Friday 9.15am to 16.45pm ( closing for lunch 13.00 /14.00).

The Student Health Centre is operating on an appointment only basis. 

Telephone- 01 708 3878

  • To make an appointment email [email protected] ( using your mumail -  including your date of birth and student number).

Out of Hours Service is KDoc  045 848 701
Available on weekdays and includes 24 hour cover at weekends and bank holidays.
Please note that there is a charge for this out of hours service.

In Case of Emergency
Call an Ambulance:  999 or 112

The Accident and Emergency Department for the Maynooth catchment area is Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin. It can be used to access emergency medical treatment 24 hours a day.

You may be aware that measles has been in the news recently due to increasing concerns over a potential outbreak, and that there are nationwide efforts to encourage a greater uptake of the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine. 

What are the symptoms of measles? 

It is important to be vigilant with measles, which is why we are making our community aware at this early stage. You should seek medical help if you develop symptoms of the illness. 

Measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. Some people may also get small spots in their mouth. 


The first symptoms of measles include: 

a high temperature 
a runny or blocked nose 
a cough 
red, sore, watery eyes 

A rash usually appears a few days after the cold-like symptoms.


If you develop these symptoms, please contact your registered GP / Family Doctor or the MU Student Health Service (see details below).  

​*** Please contact your healthcare provider before attending, so you can be assessed remotely in the first instance ​**


How do I protect myself and others? 

Most people already have immunity to measles through the MMR vaccine or exposure to the illness as a child.  

If you have had both doses of MMR vaccine, or had measles earlier in your life, you do not need to worry. 
If you haven’t been vaccinated, or have had only one dose of MMR vaccine, you should have the vaccine to ensure you are protected, and to minimise the risk of spreading the infection to others. 


Maynooth University and the HSE are working together to see if we can provide vaccination clinics on campus and we will update you on this shortly. 


How do I know if I’ve had the MMR vaccine? 

The best thing to do if you’re not sure of your vaccination status is to ask a parent or guardian. Most of you will have had the MMR vaccine when you were very small children. You can also contact your GP who should have a record of all your vaccinations. 



How do I get the MMR vaccine? 

This vaccine can be accessed through your registered GP or HSE clinics (currently it is not available at the MU student health service). 

Maynooth University and the HSE are working together to see if we can provide vaccination clinics on campus and we will update you on this shortly. 



How do I stop measles spreading? 

The most effective way to stop measles spreading is to get vaccinated. 


If you think you are infected, please seek medical attention. To reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others, avoid work, school or University for at least 4 days from when you first developed the measles rash and avoid contact with young children, pregnant women or other vulnerable groups. Also, make sure to wash your hands regularly, and use good cough etiquette if you have symptoms.  

Where can I get more information? 

More information about measles and the MMR vaccine is available on the HSE website https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/measles/

Telephone:  01 708 3878. We are located on the ground floor of the Student Services Building, North Campus.​ W23 F2K8

 Please note that the SHC is for the exclusive use of students.

Please note we do not back date Medical Sick Certificates.

For information on all services see the FAQs section.

Please see all information relating to COVID below.

Please respect all our staff , no verbal or physical abuse is tolerated. 

Check out the Student Health Matters App   https://www.isha.ie/