Pandemic Imaginaries: Making Sense of Covid-19

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 10:00 to 13:00

Pandemic Imaginaries: Making Sense of Covid-19, an online workshop jointly hosted by the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology at Maynooth University, will subject the events of the Covid-19 pandemic to rigorous examination using the powers of Social Science. Join us as we make sense of the pandemic, document snapshots of everyday life and grapple with the pandemic’s crisis of meaning: the multitudinous ways in which a pandemic is sensed. 

Attend this event by clicking the Teams link here or scan the QR Code below. 

For questions on this event, please email Dr Pranav Kohli ([email protected]). 
Workshop Schedule

Panel 1: Regimes of Care (10am) 
Covid-19, Crisis management and Care work in Ireland: Cognitive lock or Critical Juncture by Dr Pauline Cullen
Au Pairing During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Miriam Teehan
From Pandemic Unemployment Payments to Participation Income: what future for a post-productivist economy of welfare? by Dr Michael McGann
Denmark, Ireland and Welfare Responses to Covid-19: Societal Welfare and Dynamic Public and Private Capacities by Prof. Seán Ó Riain, Daisy Moynagh, Grace Stynes and Tara Swinburne
Panel 2: Culture and Inequality (11:10 am)
When “We are not all in this together”: reflections on COVID 19 as a catalyst for food justice movements by Prof. Mary P. Corcoran
Social Death from Martyrdom to Pharmakoi: A Goat Herder’s Menagerie by Drs Tom Strong and Pranav Kohli

Art in Covid Times: Reflections on Art in a Time of Crisis by Sara O’Rourke

Ireland and Covid 19: how was the pandemic managed? Evidence from comparative European and global studies by Prof. John O'Brennan and Dr Barry Colfer

12:15pm - Workshop Discussion: Collaboration and the Path Ahead [departmental staff and research students]