We undertake research with, and on behalf of, a wide variety of stakeholders, including international organisations (in particular the European Union), government agencies (national, regional, and local), private businesses, consultancies, NGOs, and voluntary and community organisations. 

See some of our recent collaborators
We can help you if you are:

  • Preparing a European network and are searching for a high competency partner
  • A state agency committed to evidence based public policy formulation and evaluation
  • Commercial firms wishing to harness social science research 
  • Preparing a grant application to Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) or Enterprise Ireland (EI) and need evidence to support your potential impact.
  • An NGO or community group working to promote social justice

Reach out to us at [email protected]
Further information on the services we provide,  the kinds of organisations we work with, and case studies illustrating recent collaborations can be accessed via the links below.