Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI)
Iontas Building
North Campus
Maynooth University
Co Kildare
Eircode: W23 F2H6
Tel: +353 1 7086741
Email: [email protected]
Social Media
Keep up-to-date with our latest news and events on Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
Keep up-to-date with our latest news and events on Twitter: @MU__SSI
Connect with some of our department staff on Twitter:
Professor Linda Connolly @Linda__Connolly
Professor Rob Kitchin @RobKitchin
Professor Mark Boyle @MarkBoyleGeog
Professor Chris Brunsdon @chrisbrunsdon
Dr Michael Cooke @MichaelCooke76
Dr Kevin Credit @KevinCredit
Professor Sinéad McGilloway @ProfMcGilloway
Dr John Brown @JohnBrownMU
Professor Aphra Kerr @aphrak
Professor John O'Brennan @johnobrennan2
Dr Aileen O'Carroll @aaocarroll
Dr Lorraine Grimes @lorraine_grimes
Scholars at Risk Europe @SAR_Europe
InspirEurope @Inspire_MSCA
TerrainAI @TerrainAI