To be (hybrid) or not to be? What is the best choice for professional service firms?

Photo Source: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 09:00

As offices reopen, managers are contemplating how to organise the work of their teams moving forward. While some professionals prefer to return to the office, others hope to retain the benefits of working remotely. Is hybrid work a way to achieve the best of both worlds? Dr. Tatiana Andreeva and Dr. Paola Zappa (School of Business, Maynooth University), together with Ciara O’Higgins (University of Deusto, Spain) reflect on how - given the specific nature of their work - professional service firms can think about this particular conundrum and make informed decisions. In their new practitioner-focused piece for the Law Society Gazette, they discuss the challenges professional service firms may face when working in remote or hybrid form and suggest firms assess their readiness to tackle these challenges before deciding how to deliver their professional services from now on. You can read their article here