
ERC DANCING Team present at UACES 54th Annual Conference in Trento

The conference was hosted by the University of Trento in Italy between September 1 and 4 with an array of parallel panel sessions, a series of plenary sessions and featuring the Journal of Common Market Studies’ Annual Review Lecture.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

MU expert recommends whole-family approach to mental health care

There is strong evidence from across the world to demonstrate the very significant role of whole family-focused practice in promoting mental health recovery, Professor of Family and Community Mental Health Sinéad McGilloway told a major international conference in Dublin.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Chimney belching dirty smoke

New study reveals fossil fuel industry’s deep ties to universities

Fossil fuel companies have infiltrated academia and higher education, threatening to bias research and undermine meaningful climate action, new research from six universities concludes.

Thursday, 05 September 2024

Experts recommend a whole-family approach to mental health care

Evidence shows improved outcomes and savings to the State from family-focused practice in mental health services

Wednesday, 04 September 2024

Dr. Ian Marder writes articles for academic and media outlets

In recent weeks, Dr. Ian Marder (Assistant Professor in Criminology, Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology) published a co-authored academic article, and three articles with Irish national media outlets.

Monday, 02 September 2024

Dr Amina Adanan and Dr Rhiannon Bandiera make joint submission to the Parliament of Australian, Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee inquiry on the Genocide Bill, 22 July 2024

This submission was in response to the proposed amendments by Senator Lidia Thorpe to the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

David Mangan speaks on the Platform to Business Directive

Dr David Mangan spoke at the European Trade Union Confederation’s Future of Work conference in Brussels on research that is being conducted with Karol Muszyński, and Valeria Pulignano. The presentation outlined how the EU’s new Platform Work Directive (PWD) and the Platform to Business Regulation (P2B) interact.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Maynooth Geography at IGC Dublin 2024

Delegates meeting in DCU for the 35th International Geographical Congress in Dublin from 24th - 30th August 2024

Monday, 26 August 2024

Advanced Sensing System for Sleep Bruxism across Multiple Postures via EMG and Machine Learning

Advanced Sensing System for Sleep Bruxism across Multiple Postures via EMG and Machine Learning" has been published in a Q1 journal.

Monday, 26 August 2024

Four papers based on MU Sociology conference included in latest issue of Administration

The latest issue of Administration includes four papers based on the proceedings of the conference, 'Transformative change: unlocking institutional imagination', hosted the Department of Sociology and Maynooth University Social Science Institute in April 2024.

Wednesday, 21 August 2024
