Dr Aisling McMahon co-establishes UK and Ireland Patent Scholars Network

Thursday, May 2, 2019 - 14:00

Dr Aisling McMahon (Maynooth University) together with Dr Naomi Hawkins and Dr Karen Walsh (Exeter University) have established a Patent Scholars Network for the UK and Ireland.
The inaugural meeting of the network was held in Exeter University on 11th and 12th April 2019. At the event, 11 patent law scholars from UK and Irish institutions, and patent practice presented research papers on contemporary issues relevant to patent law. A second meeting, and the first Irish meeting of the network, will be held in Maynooth University on 20th and 21st June 2019, with papers from 15 patent scholars.

The two initial meetings of the network, in Exeter and Maynooth, serve as both as an opportunity to shape the network, but also as a means to begin the work of the network to foster excellent scholarship and to make stronger connections between scholars working in patent law in the UK and Ireland. The network has attracted considerable interest and the organisers aim to expand and continue the network in future years with annual meetings in Ireland and the UK.

For further information, contact: [email protected]