Maynooth University Department of Biology
ToggleIntroductory Manuals
Timetables & Course List
- GSFI _Initial Meeting Form
- Biology Annual PhD Assessment Form
- Application to Gain Accreditation for Inter-Institution Research Modules
- Submission Forms for Doctoral Thesis
- Staff Expenses Reimbursement Form
- See the the Fees section of the Graduate Studies webpage to obtain a copy of the next two forms. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Stipend and Fees Forms for Research Students.
- Postgraduate Fees Transfer form - Students in receipt of a scholarship from Maynooth University or an external funding body are required to complete a student stipend form. The Student Stipend Form is required at the commencement of your first year of research.
- Postgraduate Student Stipend form - This must be completed each year for students in receipt of a scholarship from Maynooth University or an external funding body which includes their fees payment.
Exam Papers
Past Biology papers can be obtained from the examination paper database compiled by the Library.
Postgraduate Fees, Funding and Scholarships
Current information on Postgraduate Fees, Funding and Scholarships including the John and Pat Hume Scholarship (deadline 5th March 2024) and Taught Masters Alumni Scholarships (deadline June 30th, 2024) can be found on the Postgraduate Studies Website.