Taught MA options in the Department of Sociology

Monday, February 20, 2017 - 08:30

Thinking of doing an MA?

Staff from the Sociology Department will have a stand at postgraduate open day on the 21st of February from 4-8pm in Pugin on the South Campus in Maynooth.  You can also contact the named contact points below at any stage during the semester to discuss the MAs on offer this coming year. 

MAs are of one year duration and include a research thesis which is submitted during the summer. Candidates take six modules and write a dissertation under the supervision of a designated supervisor. The 90 credits for the M.A. are made up of 60 credits awarded for taught modules and 30 credits for the dissertation. Some modules are compulsory. 

The Sociology Department have two different taught MA progammes on offer in 2017/18. If you are interested in pursuing your interests in Sociology please contact the named contact point for more details.

1) MA Sociology: Societies in Transition [MHY54] - Contact: Prof Honor Fagan.

2) MA Sociology: Internet and Society [MHY56] - Contact Dr. Aphra Ker
See   brochure

We also contribute to other MAs including in 2017/18 the new MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. 

More detail on each of our MAs can be found at https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sociology/ma-programmes​


The deadlines for applications to taught MAs vary from June - August so please check PAC. All applications should be made through the  PAC system

Students with a high second class honours degree in Sociology or a related discipline will be considered. In certain cases we will call applicants for interview.

Further information from our MA programmes page including details on modules. 

See our people pages to find out more about our staff.

Follow our department twitter account (@MU_Sociology) for news and updates.