International Women's Day 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 - 14:00 to 16:00
John Hume Boardroom

To celebrate 2020 International Women’s Day@MU we host a salon of cross-faculty scholars presenting on gender/sexuality/feminist research. Topics include Irish feminism’s second wave, murder, motherhood, reproductive rights, sex work, sexual abuse, sexuality in fiction, tech work, trade unions, women in film and history! Join us for research revelations and refreshments, John Hume Boardroom, Wednesday 11th of March, 2-4pm.  All Welcome.   

Event Chaired by Prof. Mary P. Corcoran with an introduction by Prof. Linda Connolly, MUSSI.   for listing of Presentations at this event.

Lynsey Black (Law) Women, Murder & The Death Penalty In Ireland
Pauline Cullen (Sociology) Trade Union Mobilization In Ireland: Feminized Or Feminist?
Valerie Heffernan (Modern Languages) Regretting Motherhood
Sineád Kennedy (English) Anatomy Of An Amendment: A Cultural History Of The Eighth Amendment
Patricia Kennon (Education) Asexuality And Heteronormativity In Young Adult Fiction
Aphra Kerr (Sociology) Diversifying Tech Work In Ireland: This Is Not A Plumbing Problem!
Emer Nolan (English) Irish Women Of The Second Wave: Five Irish Women
Anne O’Brien (Media) Spotlight On Film: Changing Inequality?
Jennifer Redmond (History) Charlotte Grace O’Brien, 19th Century Everywoman
Sineád Ring (Law) Legal Responses To Historical Child Sexual Abuse
Paul Ryan (Sociology) 'Don't Ask; Don't Tell': Disclosure & Stigma When Accessing Health Care Among Sex Workers In Ireland