Leaving no one behind in a Pandemic Recovery

Enabling Employment Services through Governance, Collaboration and Co-Production

Friday 14th May 2021
10am - 4.15pm 

Hosted by the ACA PESMaynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI),

Discussing enabling public employment services with an exciting lineup of national and international speakers.

Organised by  Prof Mary Murphy ([email protected]) Dr Nuala Whelan ([email protected]) & Dr Michael McGann ([email protected])


Morning Schedule - Enabling activation? International best practice, assessing Irish policy 

Time Title
10:00 Welcome Professor Linda Connolly Director of Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI)
  Introduction Professor Mary P Murphy, ACAPES, Maynooth University
Session 1: 10.10-11am A capability and collaborative approach to employability for most distanced
  Chair Jean Michel Bonvin (University of Geneva)

Flemming Larsen and Dorte Caswell (Aalborg University, Denmark) Co-creation and employment services: lessons from Denmark 
Colin Lindsay (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)  Collaborative approaches and employability services: lessons from Scotland 

Q & A  

Session 2  11.05-12.00 Governance, marketisation  and Institutions – delivering activation    
  Chair: Jay Wiggan (Edinburgh)

Impacts of marketisation on PES delivery in Ireland - (GAII, Michael McGann, MU)

Re-imagining public employment services and institutions (ACAPES Mary Murphy) 

Q &A  


Afternoon Schedule - Enabling Employment Guidance, research perspectives on Activation in Ireland

Time Title
Session 3 2pm – 3.15pm Model for Enabling Employment Guidance: Toolkit and Progression Metrics.  
  Chair: Mary Ryan MU Dept Adult and Community Education

Deirdre Hughes OBE, DMH Associates (UK)  Contextualising employment guidance

Nuala Whelan (ACAPES) : Model of Enabling Employment Guidance: Toolkit and Metrics 
Ciaran Reid Louth Leader Partnership & Irish Local Development Network: 
Usability, dissemination, standards 

Mary Stokes National Centre for Guidance in Education (Career guidance) 
Jenny Bimrose  Institute for Employment Research, The University of Warwick

Interactive Poll; Q&A 

Session 4 3.15  – 4.15pm   Launch of Special Issue of Administration: Activation and Welfare Reform in Ireland
  Chair Muiris McCarthaigh (QUB) 
Plugging the Gaps for a More Tailored Public Employment Service:   Helen Johnston and Anne Marie McGuaran (National Economic and Social Council) 

Navigating indifference: Irish jobseekers experiences of welfare conditionality -  Philip Finn (MU) 

Opening the Black box of Implementing Activation in Ireland:  Nuala Whelan (MU)

Sacrificial citizens? Activation and retrenchment in Ireland’s political economy. Fiona Dukelow (UCC) 

Brid O Brien (INOU/ACAPES Advisory Committee) 
Dr Delma Byrne Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology
  Close-  Mary Murphy and Nuala Whelan (ACAPES) , Michael McGann (GAII)


Speakers include:

Jean Michel Bonvin, University of Geneva
Flemming Larsen and Dorte Caswell , Aalborg University, Denmark
Colin Lindsay, University of Strathclyde, Scotland 
Jay Wiggan, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy University of Edinburgh
Mary Ryan, Maynooth University Dept Adult and Community Education
Deirdre Hughes OBE, DMH Associates 
Ciaran Reid, Irish Local Development Network 
Mary Stokes, National Centre for Guidance in Education 
Jenny Bimrose, NI Institute for Employment Research, The University of Warwick
Muiris McCarthaigh, Queens University Belfast
Helen Johnston and Anne Marie McGuaran, National Economic and Social Council
Philip Finn,Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Maynooth University
Fiona Dukelow, University College Cork
Brid O’Brien, INOU/ACAPES Advisory Committee

Recordings of all 4 sessions

Sessions 1 & 2

Sessions 3 & 4