Maynooth University School of Business
Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI) Societal Challenges, Research Day
Hosted by the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute, this event will feature talks on: Higher Education in a Global Era; HAP and HUBs: Where is the right to housing?; and Gender, the Right Wing, and the 'Body Politic', to name a few. Public welcome to attend.
When: Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Opportunities and Challenges in Small Business
The next event in our Industry Speaker Series focuses on ‘Opportunities and Challenges in Small Business’, with speakers from Balloon HQ, Access Earth, and the Small Firms Association.
When: Wednesday, 04 April 2018
“Future of Europe” with Minister Helen McEntee TD
The Minister of European Affairs, Helen McEntee TD, and Minister of European Affairs for France, Nathalie Loiseau, will speak with students about jobs in the EU institutions and on the Future of Europe.
When: Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Building Your Career Successfully
Introducing the first event from the School of Business Industry Speaker Series featuring LinkedIn, Jameson and Clark Recruitment.
When: Wednesday, 07 February 2018
Guest Lecture: Professor Thomas Clauß
The School of Business welcomes Professor Thomas Clauß (Philipps-Universität Marburg) to give a guest lecture on ‘Strategic Agility, Business Model Innovation and Firm Performance’.
When: Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Placement and Study Abroad Jamboree
Are you interested in a #Placement or #StudyAborad Year as part of your degree? Come along to the School of Business Placement and Study Year Abroad Jamboree this Thursday for more information about how to apply, as well as to hear about firsthand experiences from your fellow students and potential employers!
When: Thursday, 09 November 2017
Publishing from Teaching: How to Turn Teaching Practices into Published Scholarship
A workshop with Journal of Management Education editors Professor Kathy Lund Dean (Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota) and Professor Jeanie M. Forray (Western New England University, Springfield, MA) hosted by Maynooth Univesrity School of Business.
When: Thursday, 24 August 2017
Summer Camp - Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Design
A week-long ‘deep dive’ into the exciting world of design, innovation new ventures and startups. If you have an interest in starting a business or working in the exciting world of innovation, then this is for you!
When: Monday, 14 August 2017
Postgraduate Open Evening
Get expert advice on postgraduate study options, talk to SUSI about student grants and apply for our Taught Masters Scholarships at the Postgraduate Open Evening
When: Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Technology-Enabled Assessment in Large Classes
The School of Business invites you to an informal workshop focusing on technology-enabled assessment in large classes.
When: Wednesday, 08 February 2017