Researcher Directory

Dr Abdullahi El-Tom Emeritus Associate Professor Anthropology
Prof Paul Ellwood School of Business
Dr Robert Elmes Associate Professor Chemistry, Human Health Institute, Faculty of Science & Engineering
Dr Nada Elnahla Lecturer / Assistant Professor School of Business
Prof Karen English Professor Biology, Human Health Institute
Dr Emmanuel Eresanya Post-Doctoral Researcher Geography, ICARUS
Dr Andrei Ermakov Electronic Engineering
Dr Abeer Eshra Postdoctoral Researcher Hamilton Institute
Dr Constantine Evans Research Fellow Hamilton Institute
Dr Paul Fagan Postdoctoral Researcher English
Prof Honor Fagan Sociology, Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI)
Dr Laura Fahey Post Doc Biology
Dr Edel Fahy Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education
Dr Amy Fahy Lecturer School of Business
Dr Alexander Farnell Economics
Prof Ronan Farrell Vice President Academic and Registrar Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Science & Engineering, Hamilton Institute, Radiospace, Registry, Registrar's Office
