
Report launch: ‘Access to Justice for People in Prison: An Analysis of Public Interest Prison Law in Ireland’.

Join us in the School of Law and Criminology in Maynooth University for the launch of the report on ‘Access to Justice for People in Prison: An Analysis of Public Interest Prison Law in Ireland’.

When: Thursday, 26 September 2024

Where: Online Event

YouGaMSI report on gambling launch

Report launch on the Exposure of Young People to Gambling Marketing through Media and Sport on the Island of Ireland.

When: Friday, 04 October 2024

Where: Buswells Hotel, Dublin

Symposium: Reproductive Privacy: Cross-Atlantic Perspectives

Join us in the School of Law and Criminology in Maynooth University for an exciting hybrid event on Wednesday 16th October from 3-5 pm on ‘Reproductive Privacy: Cross-Atlantic Perspectives’, featuring a number of expert speakers, and chaired by Professor Edward Dove (Maynooth University), at the John Hume Boardroom (John Hume Building) and Microsoft Teams. A reception will follow the event.

When: Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Where: John Hume Boardroom (John Hume Building) and Microsoft Teams.

MU Library Makerspace - Lego Supporting Research

This presentation focuses on the creation of a Lego version of our beloved Library Cat and how research can be supported in fun and innovative ways. This theme explores the different ways a university library uses our makerspace to support student and staff research. The Lego version of Library Cat will be on display in the foyer of the John Paul II library for the duration of Research Week.

When: Monday, 21 October 2024 to Thursday, 24 October 2024

Where: Online

Research Together: Building relationships and partnering on health focused funding applications.

To foster and build relationships between MU Researchers and charitable organisations.

When: Monday, 21 October 2024

Where: Renehan Hall

Live 3D Printing Demonstration

Join us in the foyer of the John Paul II library to experience some live 3D printing. See how a 3D printer works and get a free trinket (while stocks last).

When: Monday, 21 October 2024

Where: John Paul II Library

Unlocking the Power of AI: Empowering Individuals to Take Control of Their Health and Wellbeing

This interactive event offers a unique opportunity to explore AI and other cutting-edge technologies that empower people to manage their health and wellbeing more effectively. Participants will have the chance to try out these technologies, engage with experts, and share their ideas on shaping the future of the person-driven digital health ecosystem.

When: Monday, 21 October 2024

Where: IVI Boardroom, 238, Eolas

3 Minute Thesis Competition

Watch a series of 3 minute presentations by the Maynooth University postgraduate student community to a non-specialist audience about their research projects. The presentations will be timed and the top three presenters will be awarded a prize. If you are thinking about research studies in 2024, this is a great opportunity to find out more.

When: Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Where: Renehan Hall

Developing your Scholarly Profile

This session will look at how a researcher can best present themselves to the research community and make their work as discoverable as possible. We will look at the different scholarly profiles (and Scholarly identifiers) available in platforms such as ORCID, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The session will also demonstrate how you can make best use of the resources to showcase your research.

When: Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Where: Online

Safeguarding Privacy in AI-Driven Public Services: Developing Ethical Data Protection Guidelines

This workshop aims to explore the privacy challenges that emerge as the use of AI technologies is rapidly adopted in public services. Adopting AI-oriented tools and technologies in Public Services feeds vast advantages, including boosted efficiency and effectiveness, enhanced service delivery, and greatly enriched decision-making processes. The agile adoption of (AI) tools and technologies in Public Services also raises concerns about the privacy, and misuse of sensitive data since the AI-powered systems essentially collect, process, and store a large amount of data. The workshop will bring together policymakers, public service professionals, technologists, and researchers to discuss the privacy implications, develop data protection strategies, and address the delicate balance between ensuring data privacy and maximizing data utility.

When: Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Where: Boardroom, 2nd Floor, Eolas
