
Dr Duncan Casey joins the MaynoothWorks team as Director

Dr Duncan Casey, MaynoothWorks Director

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

MUSSI and Faculty of Social Science Co-funded Small Research Grants (2020-2021)

MUSSI and Faculty of Social Science launch Co-funded Small Research Grants (2020-2021).

Monday, 14 September 2020

Funding: MU Research Enhancement Funds

The Research Enhancement Funds which were on hold since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic have been re-opened.

Monday, 14 September 2020

Funding: COST Action Proposals

Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals, the deadline is the 29th of October 2020

Monday, 14 September 2020

Slow Computing: Why We Need Balanced Digital Lives (Bristol University Press)

Slow Computing: Why We Need Balanced Digital Lives (Bristol University Press)

Wednesday, 09 September 2020

Millennials experience most difficulties coping with Covid-19 workplace disruptions

A new study led by Prof Audra Mockaitis at Maynooth University’s School of Business, has found that Millennials are experiencing the most challenges in coping with workplace disruptions during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wednesday, 09 September 2020

Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez Profile Pic

ALL member, Ana Maria Sanchez Rodriguez has new article published in Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Article entitled: The coordinates of scaling: Facilitating inclusive innovation

Wednesday, 09 September 2020

Socially-distanced restorative practices day held at IPS College

On 31st August 2020, members of the Maynooth University Department of Law collaborated with Irish Prison Service College (IPSC) tutors to organise a one-day workshop on restorative practices training. The day took place as part of a wider IPS project relating to its strategic commitments to explore and examine mechanisms for incorporating restorative justice principles throughout the service, and to include restorative principles in the training of staff, including all new recruits.

Wednesday, 09 September 2020

Stephanie Thompson featured in Irish Times Smart Choices

PhD candidate at the Department of Law, Stephanie Thompson, is featured in today’s Irish Times Smart Choices supplement. From being an early school leaver to finding herself enthralled by law on a PLC in business administration and legal studies she went on to study in Carlow IT and was later accepted to the MA in Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice at Maynooth University. Today, Stephanie is a PhD candidate at the Department of Law and John Hume scholar. Stephanie talks about her fiery independent spirit, her determination and her devotion to her son Stephen and thanks further education every day.

Tuesday, 08 September 2020
