Andy Cochrane, a former PhD student and Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, has recently secured one of only 8 Cochrane Fellowships awarded by the Health Research Board. Andy is the lead applicant/reviewer on an all island team of academic and clinical co-reviewers led by Dr Sinéad McGilloway, Director, Mental Health and Social Research Unit, Department of Psychology, who is principal supervisor on the review. Mairéad Furlong, a final year doctoral student in the Department of Psychology and lead author on the first Cochrane review awarded to Maynooth University (under Dr McGilloway’s supervision), is also a member of the team.
The fellowship will provide support for an important systematic review which aims to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of re-ablement as an innovative approach to helping older adults live independently at home while reducing hospital and nursing home admission rates. The review findings will be important to policy-makers and practitioners/service providers as well as to older adults and their families, particularly at a time of continuing limited resources.