
Aphra Kerr - Sociology - Maynooth University

Dr. Aphra Kerr accepted into the European Academy

Membership is based on academic excellence

Monday, 28 September 2020

Business - Paul Donovan - Maynooth University

Experiential learning in the large classroom using performative pedagogy

Experiential learning in the large classroom using performative pedagogy" accepted for publication in the Journal of Management Education @Journ_Mgt_Ed – Their article described their innovative collaboration in interdisciplinary teaching and learning between Business and Music students @MU_Business @MU_DTL @MusicMaynooth

Friday, 25 September 2020

MU partners with Microsoft and RTÉ on DreamSpace home-schooling project

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) will fund a new project by Maynooth University, Microsoft Ireland and RTÉ to extend the DreamSpace HomeSpace series that appeared on RTÉ HomeSchool Hub.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Where drugs for rare diseases are discussed – might affect the way decisions are made as to whether the state will pay for them (or not!).

The paper entitled “Levels of legitimacy” discusses how the different spaces in which drugs for rare diseases are discussed – the Dail, national media, social media – might affect the way decisions are made as to whether the state will pay for them (or not!).

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Nicola Mountford

Collaborative Governance in Bureaucratic Contexts

The paper entitled “Collaborative Governance in Bureaucratic Contexts” investigates the use of ‘collaborative governance’ where state, industry, charity and other sectors collaborate to redesign government in the face of changing market environments. Nicola has co-authored this paper with Prof Susi Geiger (from University College Dublin)..

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

H2020 funding awarded to 3rd year School of Business PhD student

Congratulations to Ms Blanca Suarez-Bilbao, 3rd year PhD candidate in Maynooth University School of Business, supervised by Dr Marian Crowley-Henry and Dr Edward O’Connnor, who has been awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action research grant to work as an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) on the European Union's H2020 funded Global Mobility of employees (GLOMO) project ( - under the co-supervision of Prof Maike Andresen (University of Bamberg) and Prof Mette Zølner @CBScph

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Colonial Resistance in Africa and Ireland: The Case of Roger Casement

An online talk by Dr. Gerry Kearns, Professor of Geography at Maynooth University, who will be talking about Roger Casement and his efforts to resist colonialism in both Africa and Ireland.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

CFP: Postgraduate Symposium for the Irish Assoc. for American Studies

The Postgraduate Conference for the Irish Association for American Studies is always a welcoming event, and an excellent way for graduate students (MA and PhD) to share and air work, receive feedback, and extend national and international research networks.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Teaching capabilities of doctoral graduates

Adam Keeley, a PhD student in the School of Business at Maynooth University, recently presented his paper “Teaching capabilities of doctoral graduates: Should we realign the learning outcomes of PhD programs with employers’ expectations?” at the Academy of Management virtual conference.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Student in Mask talking to Librarian safely

Maynooth University to escalate protective measures

Maynooth University is escalating protective measures against the spread of Covid-19 on campus, given the University’s proximity to Dublin.

Friday, 18 September 2020
