
NUI Publication Prize in Irish History 2019 - Commendation

Commendation for Dr Ciaran McCabe in the 2019 NUI Publication Prize in Irish History

Friday, 22 November 2019

Speakers at 4th ALL Symposium

4th ALL Symposium with Guest Speaker Prof. Peter Blanck

4th ALL Symposium, ‘Building an Inclusive Society through Accessibility: International Perspectives, Challenges and Lessons’.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Seán Kyne, Minister for the Gaeltacht, announces funding for TEG examinations

Maoiniú fógartha Seán Kyne, Aire Stáit na Gaeltachta, do scrúduithe TEG

Monday, 18 November 2019

New book on Qualitative Secondary Analysis

New book on Qualitative Secondary Analysis, edited by Kahyrn Hughes and Anna Tarrant, published by Sage (December 2019).

Monday, 18 November 2019

Dr Nicola Mountford

Appointed to the management committee of the EU COST Action, SHIINE - Dr Nicola Mountford

Dr Nicola Mountford of MU School of Business was appointed to the management committee of the EU COST action, SHIINE in October 2019.

Friday, 15 November 2019

SexGen Speed Research Networking Weds 13 November 1-3

A Sexualities and Gender Group speed research networking!

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Changes to Special Collections & Archives opening hours

Russell Library and SC&A Reading Room

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Planning Consents Confirmed.

The new Maynooth University Student Centre will provide a home on campus for the students of Maynooth University.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Funding: Centre Culturel Irlandais Fellowship Bursaries - Now Open

The Centre Culturel Irlandais offers Fellowship bursaries to encourage research on its Old Library and Historical Archives collections. The purpose of the Fellowships is to establish the intellectual and academic value of the holdings. The Old Library contains 8,000 volumes (from the 15th to the 19th century). Once the library of the Irish College when it was a seminary, the collection contains works of theology, history, philosophy etc. More than 19,000 items are held in the Historical Archives, covering a period extending from the 14th to the 20th century. The main themes are daily life at the Irish College and the buildings which were owned by the Irish Community, the grant foundations, the religious community etc. The areas of research are open, depending on the candidate's interests, and could focus on a historical subject, a period of time, an author, the manuscripts or printed items, the provenance of part of the collections, the bindings etc. We are looking for an output which would add to our knowledge of the library or archives and to the information which we can put into the public domain. Priority will be given to research subjects examining a corpus of references instead of one reference in particular.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Forms of Formation: A Pedagogical-Philosophical Inquiry into Embodied Tensions around Gender and Social Equality in the Classroom

Financed by: Swedish Research Council Grant, 5.4 million SEK (€550k) 2020-2024 Tensions around gender and social equality are commonplace both in societal debates and the classroom and often include reference to the body (e.g. headscarves, skin colour, gestures, touch and comportment). To date, pedagogical research has been mainly focused on dialogic approaches to these tensions and little attention has been paid to their bodily and sensory aspects. The present study combines feminist theory with sensory studies in examining embodied expressions and the social and cultural coding of sensual experiences in the classroom. Project members: • Profesor Sharon Todd, Maynooth University • Senior Lecturer Elisabet Langmann, Södertörn University, Sweden • Senior Lecturer Lovisa Bergdahl, Södertörn University, Sweden

Monday, 11 November 2019
