Funding: Deadline for CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institutes 2023

Saturday, September 25, 2021 - 13:15

After a hiatus due to the global pandemic, we have been thrilled to issue a call for a new cycle of Global Humanities Institutes, starting in 2023. The call for expressions of interest is still open, but we wanted to send a reminder that it will close in less than a week, on September 30, 2021.

To help interested applicants, we have updated the page for the call for expressions of interest with additional resources. The page includes a video recording of a session dedicated to the Global Humanities Institutes at our last Annual Meeting. Members of the CHCI Global Humanities Institutes Committee, together with members of the research teams for the current Global Humanities Institutes, shared information about the application process, expectations, and answered questions from participants. The page also includes expressions of interests and proposals that past and current GHI Principal Investigators have offered to share with prospective applicants. As those examples reflect, expressions of interest are expected to be brief conceptual notes that are meant to initiate conversations that will eventually lead to developing more substantial proposals later this year.

CHCI Global Humanities Institutes are multi-year projects devoted to a research theme, method, practice, or problem in the humanities that would benefit directly from a sustained international and collaborative approach. CHCI supports teams of scholars representing humanities centers or institutes located in different world regions to develop a research program and model for inclusive collaborative work in the humanities. More information about past and current GHIs is available here.

If you have questions about expressions of interest or any other part of the application process, please contact Guillaume Ratel, CHCI Executive Director, at [email protected].