Having run a successful pilot programme MaynoothWorks are working with Spin Up Science to roll out our entrepreneurship developmenet programme.
For the full content of this week long programme please check out our flyer
Spin Up Science Programme Flyer
Calling All Researchers Interested in the Real World Application of Their Research
At Spin Up Science, we support academic teams to develop their commercial knowledge and explore opportunities for innovation. Through our activities we can also offer targeted guidance and added resources to progress development of building a commercial case around emerging technologies. The teams we’ve worked with have gone on to start spinout companies, license their discoveries to industry, and develop collaborations with key partners.
We are beginning a new initiative in partnership with Maynooth University to support academic staff and students to pursue commercialisation of their ideas and explore business environments. Through this project, we plan to deploy a portfolio of activities; from short courses to 1-to-1 advice to help:
● Expand your network to engage with industry,
● Explore commercial pathways for academic research,
● Unlock funding and industry collaboration opportunities,
● Develop commercial skill sets within your research group,
● Harness the potential of research innovation,
Our goal is to develop a connected pathway for researchers to engage with innovation, increase the real world impact of their discoveries, and nurture an open innovation culture across campus. If you’re interested in contributing to the development of these activities, or would like to hear more about the support on offer, our team based in Kildare is interested in connecting with you.
Spin Up Science - About Us
Spin Up Science Ltd was founded in 2018 to unlock the potential of academic research by supporting researchers to become the next generation of leaders and innovators. We work to lower the barrier to moving research out of world-leading universities and into high-growth businesses. We believe that the best way to support these innovative ideas is to empower researchers with the commercial knowledge complementary to their technical expertise and arm them with the skill sets to effectively interface with industry and lead start-ups and spin-outs.
Our goal is to create connected ”win-win ecosystems” where researchers can work alongside innovative organisations supported by local business communities, and where the future job opportunities within the city become readily apparent.
Our model has been developed through our work in research innovation ecosystems across the UK. We take a place-based approach to develop a complementary backbone of support to nurture a commercially-minded research talent pool, primed to seize on innovation opportunities and leverage technologies to benefit society.
For more information contact [email protected]