Thesis topic
The impact of gratitude on cardiovascular health.
Dr Brenda O'Connell
Thesis topic
Monitoring participation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) in public decision-making (on local, national, regional and international level)
Professor Mac MacLachlan and Professor Delia Ferri (School of Law and Criminology)
Thesis topic
Nature Connectedness in the 21st Century - exploring the role our relationship with nature has on our mental health and wellbeing and how this may be influenced by the urban and digital environments.
Dr Tadhg MacIntyre, Dr Elaine Gallagher (external - UL ), Dr Aoife Donnelly (externail - TUD)
Thesis topic
The Effects of Social Class Habitus on the Lived Expereince of Mental Health
Dr Michael Cooke
Thesis topic
The MYND (Mind Your Next Dance) Study: Developing and evaluating a non-pharmacological intervention for older adults with mild-moderate dementia and their primary caregivers.
Professor Mac MacLachlan, Dr Joanne McVeigh, Dr Georgios Hadjigeorgiou (external- University of Cyprus)
Thesis topic
The experience of informal caregivers and their care-recipients with COPD – an exploration of the meaning of relationships and the home.
Dr Rebecca Maguire
Thesis topic
The study of technology mediated relationships.
Dr Michael Cooke
Thesis topic
The impact of Connected Health Interventions on Psychological Wellbeing and Quality of Life of patients with Cancer
Dr Rebecca Maguire, Professor Deirde Desmond
Thesis topic
Community health based approach to improving carers health and wellbeing
Professor Sinead McGilloway, External co supervisor - Dr. Kathy McLoughlin, Family Carers Ireland
Thesis topic
#MoreThanASelfie: Developing and Evaluating a Brief School Based Intervention to Promote Media Literacy, Positive Body Image & Self Esteem in Young Adolescents
Prof Sinead McGilloway, Dr Catriona O'Toole (Education)
Thesis topic
Behavioural and Neural Correlates of Human Spatial Navigation and Memory
Professor Sean Commins
Thesis topic
Self-image and stigma in older adults during the process of becoming assistive technology users.
Professor Deirdre Desmond
Thesis topic
The role of expectations on processes and outcomes of student counselling
Dr Rebecca Maguire
Thesis topic
Developing a Neuropsychological Profile of Migraine, Investigating and Targeting Pre-Ictal Dysregulation in Migraine Prevention
Dr Unai Diaz-Orueta, Professor Andrew Coogan
Thesis topic
Age-Related Behavioural and Neural Correlates of Human Spatial Navigation
Prof. Sean Commins
Thesis topic
Exploring the impact of using connected digital technology among visually impaired persons in low and middle-income countries
Professor Deirdre Desmond
Thesis topic
Examining the Global Validity of ICD-11 PTSD and Complex PTSD
Prof. Philip Hyland
Thesis topic
Evaluation of circadian rhythm and sleep alteration in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
Prof. Andrew Coogan , Dr Beverley Henley
Thesis topic
Creating meaningful connection and psychological safety in virtual disability services
Prof Mac MacLachlan, Prof Deirdre Desmond
Thesis topic
Investigating the Effects of Mindfulness Practice on Older Adults’ Cognitive Function and Sleep Quality
Dr Michelle Kelly (external- NCI), Dr Joanna McHugh Power
Thesis topic
Leveraging sport policy development to promote a major cross-cutting impact on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and pledge for human rights
Prof Mac MacLachlan
Thesis topic
Disability inclusion and structural change: Understanding the relationship between stakeholders in the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) programme through Bourdieusian analysis
Prof Mac MacLachlan
Thesis topic
Investigating the modifiable associates of anxiety in people with multiple sclerosis
Dr Rebecca Maguire
Thesis topic
Research, design and development of an Assistive Technology Passport
Prof Mac MacLachlan
Thesis topic
Investigating the impact of combined Reminiscence Therapy and exercise interventions on Autobiographical Memory and Well-Being in older adults living with Dementia, in community settings.
Prof Richard Roche & Prof Sean Commins
Thesis topic
The psychosocial wellbeing and mental health of refugees and asylum seekers living in Ireland
Prof. Sinead McGilloway , Co-Supervisor Yvonne Leckey
Thesis topic
The development of a Boston process-based neuropsychological assessment for the screening and diagnosis of dementia for use with individuals with low or no literacy, such as the Travelling Community of Ireland
Dr Unai Diaz-Orueta
Thesis topic
Assessing the sensitivity of the Function Acquisiton Speed Test to evaluatively conditioned stimulus relations
Prof. Bryan Roche
Thesis topic
Creation of Guidelines for the Facilitation of Supported Decision Making for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Their Care Partners and Direct Care Support Workers
Dr Laura Coffey, Prof Deirdre Desmond
Thesis topic
Procrastination and Decision Making in Older Adults
Dr. Joanna McHugh Power
Thesis topic
Trauma, Cognitive Ageing and Service Provision Among Older Adults in Ireland: A Comparative Mixed Methods Study
Dr. Joanna McHugh Power
Thesis topic
Conditions required for successful autonomous working in complex systems
Dr. Michael Cooke
Thesis topic
An examination of Childhood Adverse Experiences (ACEs) in the United States and the Republic of Ireland
Prof. Philip Hyland
Thesis topic
The role of attitudes to technology and writing beliefs in the writing performance of university students: a comparison of longhand and word-processed writing, in STEM and non-STEM disciplines
Prof. Fiona Lyddy, Dr. Katriona O'Sullivan
Thesis topic
Prevalence, Risk factors and Psychosocial Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence in the Republic of Ireland and Europe
Prof. Philip Hyland, External Co-supervisor Dr. Frédérique Vallieres, Trinity College Dublin
Thesis topic
Experiences of Mental Health and Sexual Health Among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
Dr. Rebecca Maguire