Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Development Process

In April 2022 the University President, Professor Eeva Leinonen, convened a Steering Group of staff from across the university and student representatives to inform and guide the development of our new Strategic Plan. 
Steering Group Membership and Terms of Reference 
Our University Community participated in a series of internal discussions about the future direction of the University, drawing on the collective expertise of our community to reflect, analyse and ultimately define a guiding common view of what we are striving to accomplish as an institution. The University Community consultations ran from May 2022 to May 2023.
After the internal discussions, the University then engaged in a series of consultations with alumni, local, regional, national and international stakeholders in late 2022 to update them on proposals emerging from our University conversation, and to hear their input and feedback in relation to the University's future direction.
From November 2022 to May 2023 three consultation feedback sessions were held to provide a space for the University Community to feedback their thoughts on the Strategic Plan development process, recieve information on the consultation outputs and to contribute to the development of the Strategic Plan outline and draft document.

University Community Consultations

All members of the university community were invited to participate in the consultation process for the Strategic Plan 2023-2028 which ran from May 2022 to May 2023. Staff and students were encouraged to make their contributions to the shaping of our new Strategic Plan through the opportunities and the various formats listed below.

Download the Strategic Plan internal consultation schedule in PDF: Strategic Plan 2023-2028 Consultation Schedule



Strand 1: Town Hall Consultations (May-October 2022)

Town Hall consultations took place across ten key thematic areas. Twenty town hall meetings were held in total, with consultations on each theme running in separate online and on-campus formats. These consultations ran in two phases, from May to June 2022 and from August to October 2022.

(Over 1,156 attendees and over 3,800 contributions via Padlet)

Please see the link here for further details, Calendar of Town Hall Consultations

Strand 2: Workshops and World Café Events (June-October 2022)

Maynooth Innovation Laboratory (Mi:Lab) created and facilitated a series of Strategic Workshops and World Café events for staff and students to discuss the future of the university. These workshops took place between June and early October 2022, and included the following formats -

(Over 360 staff and student participants)

  • ‘Big Ideas’ Workshops with Staff
  • Staff-Student World Cafés
  • Student Workshops

Please see the link here for further details, Workshops and World Cafés 

Strand 3: Written Submissions (June-October 2022)

Short written submissions outlining high-level aims and ambitions were invited from individuals, students, departments and committees under any of the consultation themes. The period for written submissions ran from 1 June 2022 - 14 October 2022.
(120 submissions received including 61 entries from Departments and Committees)

Please see the link here for further details, Written Submissions


Strand 4: 'Deep Dives' (November 2022-March 2023)

The university engaged in a series of ‘Deep Dives’ across cross-cutting thematic areas that emerged from the initial series of Town Hall Consultations. These 'Deep Dive' workshops took place from November 2022 - March 2023.
(Over 314 participants, with over 1,200 contributions via Padlet)

Please see the link here for further details, Internal 'Deep Dives'

University Community Consultation Feedback Sessions (November 2022-May 2023)

Three consultation feedback sessions were held to provide a space for the University Community to feedback their thoughts on the Strategic Plan development process, recieve information on the consultation outputs and to contribute to the development of the Strategic Plan outline and draft document.
(Over 360 participants, with 421 feedback contributions via Padlet and 42 written contributions via MS Forms)

  • Dedicated Town Hall with Consultation Feedback: Friday 11 November
  • Strategic Plan Outline and Feedback: Wednesday 15 February
  • Draft Strategic Plan Introduction and Feedback: Tuesday 9 May

Please see the link here for further details, University Community Consultation Feedback Sessions

Future of Higher Education 'mini-library'

The Future of Higher Education 'mini-library' is a collection of reading-materials and content related to the Future of Higher Education.
Please see the link here for further details, Future of Higher Education 'mini-library'