Special Seminar: “France in Crisis: can the centre hold?”

Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 16:00 to 17:30
Maynooth University, Iontas Building, MUSSI Seminar Room, 2.31

Mary Fitzgerald is an award-winning journalist and researcher specialising in the Euro-Mediterranean region with a particular focus on Libya. From Fermoy, Co Cork, she began her career reporting on post-conflict Northern Ireland. Since then she has worked across the Middle East, Africa and Asia. She spent seven years as a roving foreign correspondent for The Irish Times, reporting from more than 40 countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma.

Her work has also appeared in publications including the Economist, Foreign Policy, the New Yorker, the Washington Post and the Financial Times. She has conducted research on Libya for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED) and the European University Institute (EUI) among others.

She is a contributing author to an edited volume on the Libyan revolution and its aftermath published in 2015 by Hurst/Oxford University Press.
She is now based in Marseille, France, from where she regularly writes about French politics and society in her weekly column on international affairs for the Irish Independent.