Ireland Fellows Programme

                                                                      (Truong Bao Khuyen & Thi Hoa Nguyen - Irish Aid Fellows 2018/2019)
The Department of International Development at Maynooth University welcomes Irish Aid fellows to the MA in International Development programme. Each year, our Irish Aid fellows enhance the programme with their richness of culture, diversity, and unique critical perspective on international development.  The MA in International Development explores theories of development and analyses international development policies, practices, issues and challenges. The programme facilitates learners to seek to critically understand the drivers of such policies and practices and the causes of poverty, inequality and injustice at all levels.
Are you interested? We would love to welcome you!  
See MA in International Development (MH50N) detailsMA in Peacebuilding, Security and Development Practice (MH54N) and Ireland Fellows Programme details for more information.

View our Irish Aid Fellow Profiles below to hear from them first hand about their experiences.

Irish Aid Fellow 2022 - 2023 Joseph Kamfwa

Irish Aid Fellow 2021-2022 Quynh Thuy Do


Irish Aid Fellow 2020 - 2021 Domia Phiri

Irish Aid Fellow - Domia Phiri

Irish Aid Fellow 2020 - 2021 Mamush Meta


Irish Aid Fellow 2018-2019 Thi Hoa Nguyen

Check out Hoa's International Student blog post.