Award Type and NFQ level : CERTIFICATE LEVEL 7
CAO/MU Apply code :
CAO Points :
This course will give participants a practical grounding in the writing of fiction and creative non-fiction for publication. The course allows students to work with professional writers who will act in a mentoring capacity. The practical emphasis will help students to progress towards producing work of publishable standard and marketing it. The development of critiquing and editing skills are essential for creative writing. Student interaction and engagement with each others work guided by experienced writers and lecturers is aimed to provide a supportive environment for the development of these skills.
Course Aims
To develop creative writing skills.
To cultivate a disciplined approach to writing.
To develop students skills in critically assessing their own and others work.
To provide an understanding of the economics and structure of the publishing industry.
The NUI Cert. Creative Writing for Publication will be held on our Maynooth Campus Thursday Evenings 6.30-9.30pm The duration of the course is 100 hours. Students will attend 1 evening per week for a 3 hour facilitated workshop/tutorial. Students will also attend 3/4 Saturdays over the duration of the course.
Assessment Procedures A piece of creative work will be required for each writing module (short story, novel excerpt, non-fiction). Publishing Industry Awareness: students will prepare a publisher submission for a body of work in one of the above genres. Students are expected to have at least a 85% attendance.
Module 1 Writing: Creative Non-fiction
Module 2 Publishing Industry Awareness
Module 3 Writing: Short Story
Module 4 Writing: the Novel
Workshop material will be circulated by email.



International & EU/EFTA Entry Requirements
Mature Students
Participants need to be 21 years of age or over on 1st January of the year in which the course commences. As courses are delivered in keeping with adult education practice, participants will be expected to: be willing to engage with group activities and group learning; be willing to learn through dialogue and reflection on experience; have a level of literacy that is sufficient to complete the assessment requirements.
Additional Information
Admission Requirements
Applicants must be 21 or over, and have the capacity to complete a course at this level. Participants are asked to submit a short piece of no more than 100 words using the Personal Statement space on the On Line application form. You should outline why you want to do this course. In order to facilitate the better organisation of workshop time, please indicate also on your application whether you are
(a) a beginner in terms of creative writing; (b) whether you have previously attended creative writing workshops and (c) whether you have had work published.
For further information contact Kay at 01 708 6062 or e-mail [email protected]
An Easy Payment Plan is available upon registration.