Sven Milekić article in Academic Journal

Thursday, February 2, 2023 - 13:30

PhD Student Sven Milekić article published in Academic Journal "A Protest, Coup d’État, or Internal Party Power Struggle: What Motivated Croatian War Veterans to Hit the Streets?"
The paper investigates war veterans as organisers of contentious politics in ‎post-war Croatia, by looking into two significant protests; one in the immediate post-war period in 1996 and the other in 2014-5, when Croatia was an EU member state. By using veteran associations’‎ documents, archival documents, media reports and literature, the paper‎ wishes to place the two case studies into the body of literature that describes‎ the decades-long patron-client relationship between veterans, the dominant political party Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), and the‎ state.‎

See the article here:  Sven Milekić article