Membership / Ballraíocht

Full Membership  of the Retired Staff Association is open to all retired staff of Maynooth University or St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth who had a substantive employment relationship with one of the institutions. Membership runs from 01 January to 31 December. The annual full membership fee is decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Association to cover costs of insurance and affiliation to Active Retirement Ireland, and any other expenses that may arise in the running of the Association. Members must complete a signed disclaimer form  in order to be covered by the insurance policy. All members must comply with the Procedures and Rules of the Association Procedures and Rules

Associate Membership is available for spouses/partners/friends of full members in accordance with the Associate Membership Procedures and Rules.  Associate members are required to complete the Application form and to sign the Associate Membership Disclaimer.
Membership Application Forms and Disclaimer Forms can be submitted by email to the Membership Secretary,  via [email protected]     

Honorary Life Membership Award
The Annual General Meeting of the Maynooth Retired Staff Association in April 2023 approved the establishment of an award to be known as Honorary Life Membership which may be granted from time to time to a Full member or members who have provided outstanding service in support of the objectives of the Retired Staff Association and its members over many years. The award is a recognition of the high esteem in which the Full member is held by the general membership of the Association. Honorary Life Members will be exempt from any membership fees. 
The recipient of the 2024 Honorary Life Membership award is Vincent Murphy, who was formerly Manager of the Campus Powerhouse.


Members trip to Madrid 2019

Members educational tours to Madrid and Westport