A News-sheet on activities of the Association during the COVID period and up until September 2022 was circulated to all members in early 2022 Autumn News-sheet
It was followed by the first meeting for all members on October 6th which included a lecture by Professor Terence Dooley, Head of Maynooth History Department, on Big House Looting during the Irish Revolution 1920-1923

Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic we had an annual programme of meetings and other events. Since it has not been possible to organise in-person meetings or other events during the pandemic, the Association has kept in touch with the members through a Newsletter and members keep in touch with each other through a dedicated WhatsApp Hands of Friendship.

For the latest news on current and recent events and developments in the University please visit the Maynooth University webpage at https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/news-events/latest-news and the St. Patrick's College webpage at https://maynoothcollege.ie/news-events