The Retired Staff Association, founded in December 2002, offers friendship and support to retired staff members of Maynooth University and St. Patrick's College Maynooth and  an opportunity to enjoy ongoing links with their colleagues and with their institution.
The Association has grown steadily over the years, and the members are in involved in numerous and varied activities, both within and outside Maynooth.  Links have been forged with similar associations in TCD,  UCD and NUI Galway
We organise  social, cultural and knowledge-based  events through workshops, talks and travel. 

We hold regular  monthly meetings during term time so that  members can keep in touch and plan activities and  we have a book club and a knitting club that meet regularly.  Our  mailing list is used to circulate notices and to  inform members of events or items of interest. 

We invite colleagues about to retire or who have already retired to join us and participate in our activities.  If you are interested in joining,  please check our membership page for information on becoming a member of the association.