Technology-Enabled Feedback in Large Business Classes: Why and How

Monday, January 30, 2017 - 10:00

Dr Olga Ryazanova and Dr Tatiana Andreeva, lecturers of the School of Business, presented their 'Technology-Enabled Feedback in Large Business Classes' case study at the Y1 Feedback Symposium held in Maynooth University on 27 January 2017.
Y1Feedback, or ‘The Supporting Transition: Enhancing Feedback in First Year Using Digital Technologies’ is a project aimed to identify and develop case studies of technology enabled feedback approaches to facilitate teacher feedback and feed-forward, as well as peer-feedback in the first year undergraduate programmes across different Irish Higher Education institutions. It culminated in the Y1 Symposium that provided an opportunity to explore, discuss, and share approaches to enhancing feedback in first year.
Olga and Tatiana spoke at the Symposium about why and how they incorporated technology-enabled feedback to their classes, the challenges they faced and the lessons they learned.
A video summary of their presentation is available on YouTube.