The Music Department, in association with the Society for Musicology in Ireland and the Research Cluster “Performance, Practice & Interactivity” at Maynooth University, is pleased to host the Music and Visual Cultures International Conference from 21 to 23 July 2016. The aim of the conference is to reflect on the links between music and visual cultures in the acts of significations, across a wide range of historical frameworks, theories, methodologies, artistic practices and genres, with the intent to promote a more encompassing approach to the studying of the different disciplines.
Invited speakers are Prof. Alessandra Campana (Department of Music, Tufts University) and Prof. Giovanni Careri (Director of CEHTA, Centre d’Histoire et Théorie des Arts at L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, EHESS and Professor at the L’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Lyon).
Professor Campana’s research ranges from opera, staging, visuality to film and media studies. Author of Opera and Modern Spectatorship in Late Nineteenth-Century Italy (CUP, 2015), she is currently writing a book on the aesthetics of sound-image synchronization in film and video, entitled Aural Anamorphosis and Sound Clues.
Professor Careri’s research focuses on the complex, multimedia qualities of artistic objects such as the assemblage of arts in Bernini’s baroque chapels, the emotional dimension of episodes from Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered as realised in plays, ballets, and paintings from Carraccio to Tiepolo, and more recently the Sistine Chapel as a theoretical object to examine humanity in its Jewish and Christian embodiments (La torpeur des Ancêtres, Editions EHESS, 2013).
Conference Committee: Dr Antonio Cascelli (Chair), Dr Denis Condon, Dr Sarah Hibberd, Prof. Christopher Morris, Dr Susanna Pasticci, Dr Holly Rogers, Dr Tim Shephard
The Call for Papers is now closed. We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in the conference.
The Conference Programme is available here.
Registration and Accommodation booking is available here. (Please note: this links works best with IE, Chrome or Firefox)
Information on how to reach Maynooth University can be found here.
With thanks to: