Maynooth University Department of International Development
Master's & Research Programmes - Live Q&As
Join our Postgraduate Office and academics from across the university for Live Q&As on our Master's and Research programmes
When: Monday, 11 May 2020
Strengthening Education in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership in association with Maynooth University Department of International Development invites you to Strengthening Education in Sierra Leone, a seminar with a focus on Building an Equal and Inclusive Education For Girls and Young Women in Sierra Leone.
When: Thursday, 05 March 2020
Opportunities and Challenges of Designing and Delivering Online and Blended Postgraduate Programmes
In a world where remote and flexible learning opportunities are becoming more recognised as ways of enhancing education access, the question remains why there isn’t more focus on online postgraduate programme delivery. This seminar aims to facilitate reflection and discussion around the practicalities of designing and delivering online or blended learning postgraduate programmes.
When: Monday, 02 March 2020
Christmas Social Event 2019
Dept. of International Development - Christmas Drinks
When: Thursday, 19 December 2019
Education for Transformation seminar
Education for Transformation in Post-conflict Contexts, A Focus on South Sudan Public seminar hosted by the MU Departments of Education, History and International Development
When: Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Department of International Development Research Week Seminar
TITLE: Recent Research on International Development Policy and Practice TIME: 4pm - 5.30pm WHERE: Education Seminar Room in Education House, North Campus
When: Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Kimmage/Maynooth Staff & Student Get Together
In response to demand we have organised a Kimmage DSC/Maynooth University night out as promised at the Lord Edward, Christchurch Place, Dublin 8 on Friday 14th June from 7pm. This is an informal gathering to catch up old friends and colleagues so come join us, bring your class mates and friends, spread the word, we would love to see you!
When: Friday, 14 June 2019
Comlámh #First Wednesday event - March
Will you join Comhlámh, on Wednesday 6th March, to look at the emerging far right and its implications for civil society, in the context of upcoming European and local elections.
When: Thursday, 28 February 2019
Postgraduate Information Session for International Development
Interested in International Development? Come speak to us at the Maynooth University Postgraduate Open Day, we would love to meet you!
When: Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Postgraduate Open Evening
The Postgraduate Open Evening at Maynooth University will take place on the 26th February 2019, from 4-8pm in the Maynooth University Library
When: Tuesday, 26 February 2019