Maynooth University Department of International Development
Displacement, Gender and Justice – Reflections in Memory of Dr. Sinéad McGrath
Please join with us at the Maynooth University Department of International Development to remember our colleague, Dr. Sinéad McGrath, who passed away, sadly, in January 2022.
When: Friday, 22 April 2022
Research Engagement and Practice Seminars
REAPS - Research, Engagement and Practice Seminars From March to April 2022, academic staff of the Dept. of International Development will collaborate with development practitioners and engaged researchers to co-host a series of 1-hour conversations reflecting on their work and the latest research from their discipline
When: Friday, 11 March 2022
Workshop - Shifting the Lens on Ethical Communications in Global Development: A Focus on NGDOs in Ireland
Dr Eilish Dillon will introduce her key findings and recommendations from the research 'Shifting the Lens on Ethical Communications in Global Development: A Focus on NGDOs in Ireland' at a workshop hosted by Dóchas.
When: Monday, 15 November 2021
Looking back and looking forward: Conversations on Freire’s Influence
The Department of International Development, Maynooth University is pleased to host a conversation and critical exploration of the relevance of Paulo Freire to our world today. The conference will examine his influence across three sectors: the academy, the community and globally, asking what relevance and influence (if any) has Freire to development concerns now. The day has a great line-up of speakers including David Archer, ActionAid, Zoryana Pshyk, and Eilish Dillon, Maynooth University in the morning with workshops and more guest speakers in the afternoon.
When: Thursday, 28 October 2021
MU Research Week Seminar: Recent Research on International Development Practice
The Department of International Development will host a seminar as part of Maynooth University Research Week 2021. This seminar will explore research being undertaken at the Department. Participants will be invited to critically reflect on each topic with reference to its relevance for international development thinking and practice today. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage with researchers and each other in relation to research presented. Open to all.
When: Wednesday, 20 October 2021
#FirstWeds Autumn Series (PART 1): The Future is Now: Global Youth Voices on the Climate Crisis
The #FirstWeds conversations are back with a focus for the Autumn series on ‘Coping with COP: Reflections on the climate crisis, present and future’ in light of the UN Climate Change Conference: COP26 and the recent IPCC report. At the first event of the series, ‘The Future is Now: Global Youth Voices on the Climate Crisis’ on 6 October, our youth panelists from Ireland, the Global South, and First Nations Indigenous from Canada, will reflect and share their perspectives on the present and the future, and their commitment and contribution to new forms of political activism. Our panelists will also discuss their views of the COP26.
When: Wednesday, 06 October 2021
The Emergence of Development Education in Ireland Webinar
This IDEA lunchtime webinar led by Dr. Eilish Dillon, Head of Department will provide a look back over the emergence of Development Education in Ireland. We will explore the timeline of the development of a Development Education sector, as well as key milestones in its growth. We will also consider the strengths of the sector, challenges faced and opportunities for the future.
When: Friday, 21 May 2021
MayDay #FirstWeds: Workers Solidarity in International Supply Chains
Covid 19 has brought the issue of international supply chains to the fore. Given an increasing move to online purchasing in clothes, FirstWeds wanted to look at what this means for workers in garment manufacturing. The discussion is being moderated by Patrick Marren from the Department of International Development.
When: Wednesday, 05 May 2021
Collaborative learning seminar with University of Makeni, Sierra Leone
The Department of International Development (DID) has a long-established relationship with the University of Makeni (UNIMAK) in Sierra Leone (initiated in Kimmage Development Studies Centre). The Department welcomes its’ renewed engagement with the Department of Development Studies, UNIMAK, particularly in the current context of a global pandemic and the challenges for engagement which that presents.
When: Monday, 15 March 2021
Dr Mike Ryan (WHO) joins the #FirstWeds conversation on 'Just Health'
The Comhlámh #FirstWeds conversation on 3rd March focused on ‘Just Health’ and was moderated by Niamh Rooney on behalf of the MU Dept. of International Development. The conversation gathered a panel including Dr Mike Ryan (WHO), Nadine Ferris France (Irish Forum for Global Health), Dr David Weakliam (Health Service Executive) and Robbie Lawlor (Activist/Access to Medicines Ireland).
When: Wednesday, 03 March 2021