Experience more to complement your degree and future proof your career!
Maynooth University Careers and Employability Service
ToggleAlumni Mentoring
“I am in a much better position to get myself out into the working world”
Now in its fourth year, the Alumni Mentoring Programme provides a superb opportunity for students to match with an alumni mentor who can offer honest advice and support around the next stages in a student’s career. The goal of the mentoring programme is to give both mentors and mentees the chance to help one another enhance their professional development and to help MU students enhance their employability skills and get equipped for work, life and engaged citizenship.
Why Should You Apply?
- The Alumni Mentoring Programme is a great way to gain insights into the graduate labour market and the realities of working in different roles and industries.
- Matching will an Alumni Mentor who has been in your shoes at university is a great way to expand your professional network and build your confidence in new settings.
- This opportunity will help develop new skills needed in the professional world such as communication, time management and emotional intelligence. It will also give you time to reflect on and expand your transferable skills.
- You can use this opportunity towards the MUSE Award application.
Timeline and Commitment
- Step 1. Register Your Interest by Friday 20 October by completing a short online form on Careers Connect.
- Step 2. Once you register your interest, complete your full application by Friday 3 November.
- Step 3. Students who complete steps 1 & 2, will be given access to the mentor data to select their top 5 mentor preferences by Friday 24 November.
- Step 4. The MU Careers & Employability team and the MU Alumni team will review preferences and match student mentees with alumni mentors. All students will be contacted by Friday 22 December 2023.
- Step 5. Student mentees must attend an orientation workshop on Wednesday 7 February 2024. Here we will give you all the advice and guidance to make the most of your mentoring relationship.
- Step 6. Student mentees and alumni mentors will meet 4 times between February and 30 June 2024. We will provide an online workbook for you to work on through your mentoring relationship.
*Students are expected to complete all steps laid out and commit fully to the programme.
How to Apply
To be eligible to apply, applicants must be:
- Registered students at Maynooth University for the entire duration of the programme.
- A penultimate or final year student from any discipline. A small number of places (max 10) are allocated to postgraduate students in the School of Law and Business and School of Law and Criminology.
- Engaged and committed for the entire duration of the programme.
- Please note, 30% of places on the programme are reserved for students who avail of supports from the Access Office.
Applications for Alumni Mentoring 2024 are now closed.
Micro Internships
“I’ve gained a lot throughout my internship. Communication skills, report writing, project management, independent thinking, analysis and presentation skills…. But most striking to me is my newfound confidence and belief in my own resilience and capabilities.”
What is a Micro Internship?
- Micro Internships give students the opportunity to contribute to defined student success projects or activities within the University, enabling you to enhance your employability skills whilst collaborating with Professional Services offices and staff.
- Micro Internships are paid, part-time in semester/full-time out of semester roles that see you work closely with a mentor in a professional service within Maynooth University. Over the past number of years we have had a range of exciting micro-internships with Fees and Grants, Green Campus, Clubs and Socs, Careers and Employability Service, just to name a few. Micro Internships are not repeated annually and each year we aim to add new and exciting opportunities for students.
- Maynooth University students of any level (undergraduate or postgraduate), discipline or year group are eligible to apply. Students who have finished their studies are regrettably ineligible to apply. Jobs are posted on our social media and on our online portal MU Careers Connect.
To read more about what previous students said about their Micro Internship, check out their blogs here.
Successful students will be employed as an occasional hourly-paid member of staff (Occasional Staff Member). Students will be paid the Administration Standard Rate. You can view up to date payment information on the Bursar’s website. (https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/bursar)
This summer’s programme is funded by the THRIVE Initiative’s Student Engagement through Partnership (StEP) Fund.
Key Benefits
- Gain valuable experience in your field of interest
- Expand your professional network
- Develop professional skills and knowledge
- Contribute to beneficial student success projects and activities
- Paid professional work experience
- Bring the Maynooth student voice to enhance projects
When do applications open?
Micro Internships take place three times throughout the year, in semester one, semester two and over the summer months.
Each role will have its own requirements. Students will apply using their CV and application on Careers Connect and may be required to interview for the role. For support with your application, you can book an appointment with a Careers Advisor using Careers Connect or access our resources and supports on our website.
Need More Information
For students who have questions about upcoming Micro Internships, please join one of our online information sessions. Book via CareersConnect "Events".
Information for staff
If you are a Maynooth University staff member interested in hosting a Micro Intern, please find the information you need here.
For more information on Micro Internships, please email: [email protected]
Maynooth University Student Experience (MUSE) Awards
What are the MUSE Awards?
As a Maynooth University student, you're constantly developing skills from all aspects of your life. And now, your efforts can be recognized and rewarded through the Maynooth University Student Experience (MUSE) Awards! These awards celebrate your involvement in non-credit-bearing activities outside of the classroom, such as work experience, volunteering, club and society involvement, student representation, and more!
The MUSE Awards is a great addition to your CV, and it can help you articulate the valuable skills you've gained throughout your journey as a distinctive Maynooth student and future graduate. It's an opportunity to showcase your achievements and talents and to stand out from the crowd, while also acknowledging your dedication to personal and professional growth.
Don't miss out on this chance to be recognised for all your hard work and commitment during your time as a Maynooth University student. Apply for the Maynooth University Student Experience Awards today and take pride in your accomplishments!
What is required to complete the MUSE Award?
There are 4 Levels to the MUSE Award:
- You can complete level 1 and achieve the BRONZE MUSE Award.
- You can complete level 1 and 2 to achieve the SILVER MUSE Award.
- You can complete level 1, 2 and 3 to achieve the GOLD MUSE Award.
- You can complete Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 to achieve the PLATINUM MUSE Award.
Gold and Platinum level secures you an invite to the MUSE Awards Ceremony which takes place at the end of the academic year. The Gold and Platinum level is also recognised on your results transcript. Check out the image below for an overview of the activities required at each level:
(Image coming soon.)
What are the benefits to completing a MUSE Award?
- Helps you to stand out from your peers
- Gain recognition on your transcript (Gold and Platinum levels only)
- Gives you the confidence to articulate the skills you gained from your experiences
- Greater career readiness as you prepare for your future
- Better self-awareness as you reflect on your achievements
When do applications open?
MUSE Applications are closed for 2023/2024, but will re-open in September for the 2024/2025 academic year. Keep an eye on Careers Connect for when they re-open. During the academic year you can find out more about the MUSE Awards by attending one of our information sessions.
How do I get started:
4 easy steps to get started and get the recognition you deserve:
- Log in to Careers Connect (Sign in using your MU student number and password.)
- Navigate to Pathways. Start the Award and undertake the relevant activities associated with each level.
- Record and reflect on your experiences, and the skills gained
- Submit for assessment before the deadline
Students from any level (undergraduate or postgraduate) and any year group are eligible for the MUSE Award. The only requirement is the activities that you are attributing towards the MUSE Awards are activities that are ones which you undertook during your time registered as a MU student.
Information Sessions
There are a number of online and in person information sessions for students interested in applying to the MUSE Awards. Keep an eye on CareersConnect "Events" section for updates on when these will take place during the academic year.
The Summer Programme for Undergraduate Research (SPUR)
What is the Summer Programme for Undergraduate Research?
The Summer Programme for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) is an active research-based and paid experiential learning programme for undergraduate students who wish to learn more about the postgraduate experience and possibly pursue a career in research.
It gives students the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects across a range of disciplines, offering an academically enriching environment and exposure to a myriad of learning and research opportunities, thereby enhancing students’ confidence and discipline knowledge.
Students are paid a tax-free stipend of €1500
Key Benefits
- Helps you to stand out from your peers
- Gain experience and recognition on your results transcript
- Develop a new network and insight into Postgraduate study
- Enhance your personal and professional development
When do applications open?
Applications open early February each year, and close mid-March. Full-time Maynooth University non-final year undergraduate students are welcome to apply.
Eligibility/Terms and Conditions
- An applicant must be a full time undergraduate Maynooth University student.
- A student completing their final year of study in 2024/2025 is not eligible to apply.
- Past SPUR participants are ineligible to apply.
- The scheme does not provide funding for students to work on their existing projects.
- The scheme does not provide funding for administrative help to a department.
- A student cannot be in receipt of any other funding during the period of the SPUR.
- The applicant may apply to more than one department, and a department other than where they are studying at undergraduate level. 7. A student may only receive one SPUR Scholarship per summer.
- A student is expected to work full time throughout the duration of their project, unless the project states otherwise and is a dedicated part-time project.
- A student is expected to engage in all elements of the programme and produce the associated outputs required including the project/research work, a completed online workbook and research symposium deliverables.
- A student is expected to participate in all events associated with the programme and outlined in the SPUR timeline located on the Careers and Employability Service website.
- Applicants require a PPS number to secure funding.
SPUR timeline image. The below image is a sample timeline based on SPUR 2024. This will be updated once dates are finalized for SPUR 2025.
What to find out more?
There are a number of online and in-person information sessions for students interested in applying to the Summer Programme for Undergraduate Research (SPUR). Keep an eye on CareersConnect "Events" section for updates on when these will be on.
Find out more information here.
Applications for SPUR 2024 are now closed, but will re-open in early 2025. View the 2024 SPUR Student Cohort here!