
ALL AI Academy for Good
In June 2020, the ALL AI Academy for Good, received 47,000 euro in funding from the community empowerment fund in the Microsoft Data Centre. Using this funding, and the help of the ALL Microsoft-Internship in Maynooth University in partnership with Experiential Learning Programme. Project co-ordinator and University lecturer Katriona O'Sullivan organised the following project. Offering students who are studying in the DEIS band 1 school Mercy Inchicore, an opportunity to develop their STEM/CS skills while learning how to gain access to university. The project aims to empower young women from communities currently underrepresented in STEM with the skills, knowledge and experiences to choose STEM careers.
Date: Friday, 20 November 2020

MU University Chamber Choir Director Selected as speaker for Ageing Voices International panel discussion
MU Chamber Choir Director Michael T. Dawson will be speaking as part of Ageing Voices International panel discussion.
Date: Monday, 09 November 2020

Green Flag for Parks & Green Spaces and All Ireland Pollinator Overall Winner 2020
Maynooth Campus has been transformed in the last few years, adjusting every aspect of how the grounds and infrastructure are maintained.
Date: Thursday, 15 October 2020

Covid Situation
Covid Situation In response to the public health emergency, Maynooth University has moved as much of its teaching as is possible online. This means that for the next few weeks almost all Geography teaching will be online. The details are on the Moodle page for each module. Take care, wear a mask, wash your hands.
Date: Monday, 28 September 2020

Maynooth University to escalate protective measures
Maynooth University is escalating protective measures against the spread of Covid-19 on campus, given the University’s proximity to Dublin.
Date: Friday, 18 September 2020

2020Pollinator Project Award
Maynooth Campus overall winner of 2020 Pollinator Project Award
Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020

Maynooth University welcomes students’ return to campus next week
Maynooth University welcomes the re-opening of campus for students for the new academic year. The campus was closed in mid-March to reduce the spread of Covid-19 in accordance with public health measures, with all but essential operations moved online, and has re-opened gradually over the summer months.
Date: Thursday, 17 September 2020