Irish Council for International Students have resources specifically for international students
ICOS are providing general information and resources specifically for international students on COVID-19. ICOS collaborate with members (including Maynooth University), student organisations and government agencies to ensure that international education policy and practice in Ireland is quality-driven and remains firmly focused on the educational and social needs of all students.
Date: Thursday, 02 April 2020
Maynooth Library Treasures Blog
The natural world of 1849: Dictionnaire universel d'histoire haturelle
Date: Thursday, 02 April 2020
Maynooth University – promoting a safe, respectful, supportive and positive campus
MU is actively working to address sexual violence and harassment in higher education through implementation of the Department of Education’s (DES) Framework for Consent in Higher Education Institutions.
Date: Thursday, 05 March 2020
MU SPUR 2020 - Experience More This Summer
The Summer Programme For Undergraduate Research (SPUR) is back for 2020. SPUR is a six week active research based and paid experiential learning programme which offers successful students the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects across a range of disciplines. This programme is open to pre-final year UG students.
Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2020
General election candidates debate the funding of higher education at MU Town Hall
General election candidates from Kildare North and Meath East debated the future funding of higher education at a town hall meeting hosted by Maynooth University and Maynooth Students’ Union.
Date: Tuesday, 04 February 2020
Important Reminder for Students!
Password Change - Important Reminder for Students
Date: Thursday, 28 November 2019