AN630 Creole Teaching Exchange Courses 2016-17 (5 ECTS) Open to all Postgrads

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 - 13:00

AN630 CREOLE Teacher Exchanges for 2016-2017 (5 ECTS)

Open to all Postgraduate Students

Autumn Semester:

"Transnational moralities: current debates on ethical obligations across borders"

Sabine Strasser, Berne University
Wednesday 14th December, 2-4pm, Hall B, Arts Block
Thursday 15th December, 10-12pm, PE Room, Sports Complex
Friday 16th December, 10-12pm, AXI, Auxilia
Spring Semester:

“Leisure and tourism in (post-)socialist Slovenia"

Mateja Habinc, University of Ljubljana
26th-28th April 2017
Venue & Times TBC

Please contact the Department of Anthropology for further information.