Room Type Utilities & Services  Total Rent for Full Academic Year Total Cost for the Full Academic Year Location of Rooms
SES  Single room with own Bathroom En-suite €650* €6,229 (€163.92 per week^) €6,879 River, Rye Hall and Courtyard
SSB  Single room (Shared Bathrooms) €650* €4,668 (€122.84 per week^) €5,318 Rye Hall and Village

*Utilities and Services Charge is non refundable in all circumstances.
^ The weekly rate is the unit price

Payment Schedules 

SES means Single bedroom with own ensuite bathroom
SSB means Single bedroom with shared bathroom facilities

Payment Schedule 2024/2025

Room Type Utilities and Services Paid when Booking First Instalment paid before Check-in 7 Instalments Paid Monthly from October Total Rent for the Full Academic Year
SES €650 €1,385 €692 €6,229
SSB €650 €1,035 €519 €4,668

The €650 for services and utilities is paid when you are booking and covers all utilities and services for the full academic year - Electricity, Water, Gas, Refuse Charges, 24hr Security, Wifi, Reception Service, etc. Laundry is pay as you go via an APP.  The Booking Fee is strictly non refundable in all circumstances.  

  • Rent will be structured as follows:  Total  rent amount due will be  divided into 9 instalments (Full academic year).  The first instalment will include the equivalent of two installments and will  be due before check-in €1385 / €1035 
  • Monthly Due Dates thereafter will be arranged by recurring card payments (€692 X 7 / €519 X 7) in Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr.
  • Advance payments can be made as and when you please and will be taken full account of at the monthly due dates i.e. where advance payment is made only the amount due for that month (if any) will be collected. Many students pay for the semester (€3115 SES / €2,334 SSB) up front in September and again January (€3114 SES / €2,334)
  • For students with pre agreed / pre booked exceptional access for a single semester the booking fee is €325 and the rent is 50% of the annual amount and will be invoiced to the home university and paid in full before arrival as part of a package of services from Maynooth University.

You will be asked at the time of booking to "Save your Bank Card Details" (16 digit number + expiry date + card holders email, telephone and address) on the payment screen. It is a condition of booking that you facilitate the collection of your monthly rent by direct access to a bank card of your choice.  Please also note that the "Due Dates" cannot be customised to your monthly funding (such as SUSI, a parent's salary date, your Stipend date , Federal Aid date etc etc etc.. as there are 1200 payments due monthly and it is not possible to give each resident a bespoke date each month. Please ensure you manage your own cash flow in advance to meet the stated Due Date each month). Please use your login to your residents account to make sure your rent is up to date at all times.

At any time during your residency you may access your residents account and make "out of schedule" advance payments which will automatically reduce the amount of rent in your balance. If you make advance payments the collection process will recognise that there has been an advance payment and only rent that is outstanding on the scheduled due dates (if any) will be collected.

Online payments have been made safer by the Banks and there are a refusal by your bank we will advise you by email. It is always best (and is your responsibility) to check your Financial Statement on your Accommodation Account on each payment due date to check if iyour rent payment are up to date and that any requests made to your bank have been successful. 

Keep your Bank Account Details (IBAN and BIC) Safe

Please DO NOT RECORD YOUR BANK DETAILS (IBAN and BIC) on your accommodation account unless specificially asked to so do. We would only ask for bank details (BIC/IBAN etc) to be uploaded to your account if you were due a refund and the original payment on your card was made more than six months ago. Otherwise we will not ask for those details. Please also note that we do not ask you to email bank details. The safe way to give us this information is to upload it to your accommodation account and only when specifically asked by the Residence Office to do so. The Residence Office will never take or ask you for bank details over the phone.