3-Day Intensive GREP on GIS and Spatial Data

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 09:30 to Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 17:30
Department of Geography, Rhetoric House, South Campus, Maynooth University

This GREP Module is aimed at providing interested postgraduates and other staff with an introduction to Spatial Data and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) more widely. It will focus on students who are likely to need to incorporate a range of spatial data (from publicly available and privately generated sources) into their theses or applied research work. In addition, the module will assist those students/staff who wish to use GIS software to visualise and analyse self-generated data. It is aimed at a beginner level, though students who have some GIS knowledge - but feel they need a refresher - should still find it useful. The kinds of skills learned on this module will also assist attendees in a range of applied areas including but not restricted to; needs assessment, profiling, geo-demographics, policy support, historical research and social and environmental modelling.  For further details please visit SPATIAL DATA and GIS .