The seminar is inspired by a forthcoming volume, Spirit of Revolution: Ireland from below 1917-1923 (Eds) John Cunningham and Terry Dunne (2024) and has been generously supported by the Maynooth University Decade of Commemorations Committee.
We are also grateful to the Royal Irish Academy, the Irish Centre for the Histories of Labour and Class, University of Galway and the Irish Labour History Society for their support.
12:00 SCREENING: Lockout
New documentary film on the 1919 Meath and Kildare farm dispute produced by Martin Brady, Alumnus of Maynooth University, Digital Archivist and Documentary-maker.
12:30 – 13:45 PANEL THEME 1 Spirit of Revolution: Ireland from below 1917-1923
Contributors giving an overview of their chapters in the forthcoming Spirit of Revolution volume and some reflections on writing/research.
Chair: Terry Dunne
- Liam Alex Heffron, “The I.R.A. and land conflict in north Mayo”
- Moira Leyden, “Farm workers in Sligo”
- Theresa Moriarty, “Women in the Trade Union Congress”
LIGHT LUNCH 13:45 to 14:15
14:15- 15:45 PANEL THEME 2: Food and agroecology, past present and future
Chair: Mary P. Corcoran
- Focus on food and agriculture linking historical practices with more contemporary practices around developing secure and sustainable food systems and the situation of labour in the agricultural industry in the 1970s and today.
- Eoin Flaherty, “Rundale in 19th Century Ireland”
- Ray McLoughlin, “Working on Lamb Bros. Fruit Farms in 1970s Dublin and Kildare”
- Patricia Kettle and Mary P. Corcoran, “Urban food cultivation: the revival of allotment gardening and the growth of community gardens in Ireland”
- Francisco Mario Arqueros-Fernandez, ““Workers’ poverty and sustainable development in Irish and Spanish Horticultural Production in the 21st Century”
15:45-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00- 17.15 PANEL THEME 3: The radical politics of housing protest past and present
Chair: Laurence Cox
The politics of housing protest past and present: focus on grassroots initiatives around housing and tenancy rights across the last 100 years.
- John Cunningham, “The ‘soviet’” in Galway: a housing protest moving in a radical direction”
- Fiadh Tubridy, “The National Association of Tenants Organisations in the 1970s”
- Maria Hogan, "Sligo Housing Action Group- Taking action to create homes out of derelict properties”
Register here for this event.