Professor Doherty Attends The Inaugural Meeting Of A New Working Group On EU Law

Friday, May 26, 2017 - 15:00

Prof. Doherty attended the Inaugural meeting of a new Working Group on EU Law at the NUI Merrion Square.
The meeting was convened by Dr. Stephen Coutts of  DCU, and is the first meeting of the group, established with a view to creating opportunities to discuss work in progress and topical issues, and to foster an academic community, amongst EU law scholars working in Ireland.
The meeting was attended by Prof. Imelda Maher and Prof. Gavin Barrett (UCD); Prof. Dagmar Schiek (QUB); Prof. Mark Bell (TCD); and Prof. Arianna Vedaschi (Bocconi University, Milan, and currently visiting TCD).
Dr Coutts presented an excellent new working paper, on EU Citizenship post-Brexit, to the group, which was followed by a lively and engaging discussion. The Group intends to meet 3 or 4 times per annum, and all those working on EU Law issues are welcome to attend (contact [email protected]).
Prof. Doherty has written and commented extensively on EU labour law during the austerity period, including his co-authored 2014 piece in the European Law Journal, 'There Must Be Some Way Out of Here...The Crisis, Labour Rights and Member States in the Eye of the Storm' (
Prof.  Doherty is Head of Maynooth University Department of Law and lectures in Employment Law on the LLB and BCL programmes